Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the big 5-0

My 50th birthday was on Friday. Jake and I celebrated by ordering takeout from Franklin Street Bar & Grill (one of my favorite places!). Later that evening I fired up the chiminea and we made campfire cones and then we worked on a puzzle for a bit while watching Cheers. It was a nice day.

On Saturday, we went to my parents’ for a cookout (also for my birthday and kind of my brother’s, which was in May). It’s the first time we’ve gotten together since February due to the state of the world.

Sunday was a free day so I did a bunch of stuff around the house and walked dogs at the shelter.

another one bites the dust

I guess this is the year to replace small appliances. I tried putting the dehumidifier on recently and, while it technically works, the compressor never shuts off (even if you power it off!). So, guess what I just bought? I can’t say I’m surprised this happened because it was acting weird at the end of last season, but I was hoping I just left it running too long and it froze up. This was certainly not the case.

A Google search told me that the control board would need to be replaced, so I wasn’t about to deal with that (especially since I can’t remember the age of the dehumidifier). So, I’ll be getting a new one delivered on Tuesday. Thanks, Best Buy!

ford county

This was a surprisingly entertaining collection of short stories written by John Grisham. All stories took place in Ford County, Mississippi, hence the name of the book. I haven’t read anything substantial from Grisham in decades, so I wasn’t expecting much from this, but I was pleasantly surprised. Perhaps I should check out some of his other works.

My rating: 3.5/5

escape at dannemora

This limited series was based on the true story of two prisoners who escaped from the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, NY in 2015. It was quite riveting. I was surprised to hear it was directed by Ben Stiller–I would not have thought he’d have that in him. The acting and cinematography was great as was the use of music throughout the series. Highly recommended.

My rating: 4/5

back in business

The walking dogs business, that is. The shelter is open for limited volunteer opportunities again, so I went there this afternoon to walk dogs. There are new ones, of course, but still a few old ones that were there a few months ago when I last volunteered. Anyway, it was a beautiful day to be outside, and I enjoyed getting to hang out with the dogs again.