Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


Despite being a bunch of introverts, Jake and I are starting to get bored at home. The other day, we were talking about how introverts recharge by having some alone time whereas extroverts recharge by being with other people. He then said something about being overcharged and I think he hit the nail on the head–all we have been doing is recharging for over a month and our batteries have had it.

Luckily, it sounds like things might be opening back up to some extent in May. If I could get back to volunteering, I’m sure that would discharge my battery a bit. And, if Jake could hang out with his friends again, I’m sure he would be a lot happier.


modern family

This show came to an end this year after 11 seasons. It’s been one of my favorites, but the quality has dropped off the past few seasons. Still, I will miss hanging out with the extended Pritchett family every week.

this weather

I have so much stuff to do outside, but the weather has not been cooperating. With all of the free time I have these days, I really thought the yard would be in good shape by now, but it’s usually cold, raining, and/or snowing, so I haven’t been able to get out much. I was shooting to have the yard cleaned up by this weekend because our township’s brush pickup is next week and it will save me a bunch of trips to the brush recycling center. But you know what they say about the best laid plans…

it’s always something

Sylvia had been throwing up for most of a week, so I called the vet and they wanted me to bring her in. The vet could not find anything wrong with her, so he gave her an anti-nausea shot. She did much better after this, but then started throwing up and coughing a few days later. The throwing up has since ceased, but she’s still coughing. I had planned on taking her to the vet yesterday, but the coughing wasn’t as frequent (just twice yesterday, that I know of). So, I’m going to wait a few days and see if she improves. Besides, the coughing, she seems ok. But, if this keeps up, I’ll definitely have to take her in for another look.

easter: pandemic style

Some things remain the same, though. I had enough forethought to purchase a turkey breast (I wanted a ham, but they were all huge) and Jake’s Easter basket candy whenever I last went shopping in March. So, he still got a basket and had his Easter egg hunt. But, it definitely was strange not going anywhere for the holiday. I was a little surprised (but not really) to see photos of some large family gatherings on Facebook. Though most families seemed to do their civic duty and stay home. I expect we’ll see another spike in cases in the next two weeks.