Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


I am off work today and had to run to a locally owned store for some supplies this morning. I was greeted at the door with a message that said “face masks optional” and wasn’t happy to see that. In Pennsylvania, masks are, in fact, required (granted, there’s currently not a penalty if you are caught without a mask, but do your civic duty and wear the damned mask). I was happy to see all of the shoppers had masks on. However, not a single store employee had one on. I probably should have left, but I got what I needed and went home. I will not be shopping there again, though.

Cases are skyrocketing in the south and west and it’s just a matter of time before PA’s numbers go back up since no one can seem to follow the rules. That’s the thing about this disease–believe in it or not, but it’ll get to you eventually. In fact, PA’s numbers are currently creeping back up after hitting all time lows just a week ago. I know the governor has taken a lot of slack for his actions during this crisis, but PA is the 5th most populous state, yet we are 8th for COVID-19 cases. That’s a win in my book.


I vaguely remember hearing about the sexual harassment case that this movie was based on, but had since forgotten the details. In fact, if you would have asked me if Megyn Kelly was still on Fox News, I would have incorrectly said yes (because I’m not the kind of person who watches Fox News). That said, this was a pretty good movie. It had Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, and up-and-comer Margot Robbie.

My rating: 3.5/5

bye, tree

One of the pine trees in my side yard got way bigger than expected so I had it removed today. This was an “in progresss” photo. I was half tempted to leave it like that–it looked like a palm tree. Haha. Sadly, I will now have to look at the neighbor’s house through the gaping hole that was left by the tree.

And, this problem’s only going to get worse. I have three more pine trees on the side of the house and they all might need to go at some point. There’s another one out there that is the same variety as the one that was removed today, so I’m sure it will also get too big. I planned on having it removed this year, but since it was so much smaller than the other one, I figured it could wait a while longer (it’s the other tree shown in the picture). The remaining two trees are of a different variety, so we’ll see what they do.

I plan on planting some ornamental grasses at the top of the pond area so I don’t have to see the neighbor’s house when I’m enjoying the pond. When we planted arborvitae in the back a few years ago, we also temporarily planted some grasses in between them to fill in the gaps until the arborvitae could take hold. Well, the arborvitae are looking pretty good, so I could certainly move a few of the grasses.

Ideal Tree Service, who trimmed my deciduous trees last year, took care of this in short order (they were here for less than an hour).

once upon a time in hollywood

Jake and I watched this movie Friday night. It was good, as all Tarantino movies are. Maybe I was just tired, but it seemed a little slow moving. I did love the ending, though. And, it had Brad Pitt.

My rating: 3.5/5

back with the pack

The humane society opened back up to the public this week and the pack walks were reinstated as well. The first one was today. I went to it and we had a really good turnout–six walkers! It was pretty much just the usual people, but I wasn’t sure if everyone was going to show up because they just sent the email out late last night. Unfortunately, there are a lot of dogs there, so we were all there till after 11 (it starts at 9). Anyway,  it was good to get back into my routine. I may do some solo walks now and then, and maybe do the foster for a day thing on occasion, but the pack walks will be how I spend most of my volunteer hours.