Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

first date

It’s has been 27 years since I dated, but here I go again. I had my first “date” with someone yesterday afternoon. We went to Sandyvale to walk around and let our dogs play at the dog park. We do not have another date set up at this time, but I think/hope we will get together again.

Dating during a pandemic is interesting, though not all bad. Going to a dog park is definitely less stressful than going on a traditional date. Once the weather turns cold and outdoor stuff is off the table, I’m not sure how things will work, but I guess I’ll worry about it then. Dating at this age also seems quite a bit different than dating when you’re younger, but maybe that’s just me.

the king of staten island

This movie was partially based on the life of its star, Pete Davidson (of Saturday Night Live fame). I don’t particularly enjoy his comedy, but this was a really good movie. It is the story of a guy in his mid-20s who is forced to grow up after his widowed mother starts dating again after 17 years.

My rating: 4/5


I haven’t been to a store other than for necessities (i.e. grocery and hardware stores) since the pandemic started. Jake and I go to T.J. Maxx twice a year–March and September. We hit it in March right before things got interesting. And, we went again today. I heard they were handling things pretty well there, so I wasn’t worried about it. They had a greeter at the door who was counting the number of people going in and out of the store. Everyone was masked (of course you always have a few with the mask below their nose!). Let’s hope the world is in better shape when we go again in March.

We were looking for a few things in particular and found most of those, but we didn’t buy a ton of stuff. On our way there, Jake ordered us lunch from Firehouse Subs and we picked that up on our way home. Things almost felt normal today.


If you like time-travel, alternate worlds, and a complicated plot, this one is for you. It is an amazing German-language series on Netflix, and if you watch it, I highly recommend tuning the audio to German and turning on the subtitles. The audio defaults to overdubbed English and I found this to be highly distracting.

I took three years of German in high school and was pleased to recognize some of the words and phrases on my own. “Was ist das?” kept coming up in the conversation. Was ist das, indeed.

Spoiler alert: if you are anything like me, you might want to read this article when you’re done with the series. It gives a great summary and fills in a couple of the blanks. I might need to watch this one again.

My rating: 4.5/5

doctor sleep (movie)

I watched this one last night. It was ok. I can’t remember if I liked it more or less than the book, but it’s definitely not one of my favorite adaptations.

My rating: 3/5