Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

silver linings playbook

Since we’re in the middle of an entertainment drought, I’m rewatching some shows and movies I’ve seen before. This one held up pretty well. The only thing I’m surprised about is that it seems like Jennifer Lawrence’s career never really took off. From looking at IMDB, she has a couple movies in the works, but her last few films did not fare too well critically or at the box office.

My rating: 4/5

schitt’s creek

What a great show this was! I finished it last night and I wish there were more episodes. As soon as I’m done rewatching The Office, I’m going to watch this one again.

My rating: 4/5

new windows

We’ve been wanting to replace the remaining windows at the office for a very long time and it finally happened last week. And it was great timing since no one is working at the office. It would have been difficult to shuffle everyone around.

The basement renovation hasn’t seen any action in quite a while so I would like to hire that out, too. There were some things (framing, electrical) that Brian was working on down there and it would probably make sense for him to wrap those things up since they are almost done, but after that, I’d like to get a quote to have some of the remaining work done. I mean, it’s pretty much walls, floors, and ceiling. At the very least, it would make the most sense to pay someone to do the drywall because that is a job that neither of us wants to do. It would be great if we could have the basement done (or at least usable) by the time we get back to the office (I’m figuring spring 2021 for that).

second first date

I had another first date with another guy yesterday. I was less nervous for this one. He’s from Pittsburgh, so we met up at the Bushy Run Battlefield outside of Jeannette and walked and talked. At the end, we both agreed to meet again, so we’ll see what happens. Since we were walking and the park was dog friendly, I took Ralphie along. The guy does not have a dog (he has cats) but was receptive to me bringing the dog, so one point for him.


It’s raining today and neither the roof nor the gutters are leaking, so we’ll call that a win.

I busted butt over the weekend and got all of the garage door trim painted as well as the brick lintel. And, I patched the chipped concrete. I didn’t have much of a choice because the weather took a turn today and may not recover until spring.

Anyway, it’s good to have these projects wrapped up.