Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

a pandemic thanksgiving

Due to the pandemic, we were not able to get together with extended family today. Much like last year, it was just me and Jake, so I invited Brian to join us for dinner. We ate at 1pm and I am still stuffed! And, I haven’t even had any pie yet. While we missed seeing everyone today, I figure next year has got to be a better year for everyone. Right?


This is another one I saw on one of those “what’s leaving Netflix lists”. I’m not into baseball, but I’m running out of movies and Brad Pitt starred in it, so…

It actually was a pretty good movie. It was based on a true story how the GM for the Oakland A’s used statistical information to build a new ball team after losing some key players. I’m sure it’s a plus if you actually like baseball, but it’s still enjoyable even if you do not.

My rating: 3.5/5

train to busan

This movie was off the rails on a zombie train. Good stuff. If you like zombie movies and don’t mind subtitles (it was produced in South Korea), this one is for you.

My rating: 4/5

library revival

I have taken it upon myself to finish the long-abandoned library project in the upstairs of my house. I figured it would make a good winter project.

The status it was left in was this: a number of additional bookcases were to be built, along with a window seat, all of the cases needed face frames, and the room needed to be trimmed.

Where’s it at:

I removed the footprint for some of the additional bookcases and installed leftover flooring in its place. This is done.

For the remaining bookcases, I’m doing an extended window seat (the window seat was supposed to be flanked by bookcases, instead it will extend the length of the wall). The window seat is currently framed, but still needs some work. I’m using these excellent instructions as a guide.

I do not have the equipment or knowledge to make face frames, so I purchased and installed maple banding to cover the plywood edges of the bookcases. It actually doesn’t look half bad. I still need to put a finish on it.

One of the big things is going to be the trim. I don’t have all of that figured out yet, but I have a game plan for most of it.

I had to go to Home Depot to get some trim as it was holding up the project. I will need more supplies after this, but I have enough stuff to keep me busy for a while. As it turns out, I can put 8′ long lumber in my car if I put the back seat down. Way to go, Kona!

i tried, i gave up

After trying virtually every dating app out there, I’ve come to the conclusion that maybe dating apps are not for me. Now’s not a terribly good time to be dating anyway, so maybe I’ll try again after the plague is over(-ish). Will there be more and better quality matches available at that point? I hope so, but probably not (50s are not a great age range to be dating). In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy doing whatever I want without having to answer to anyone. I could get used to this.