Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

it’s a wonderful life

For lack of something better to do yesterday afternoon, I watched this movie for the first time. I’m not really into classic movies, but it wasn’t bad.

But, this was definitely a weird Christmas all the way around. Jake and I spent Christmas Eve together, where I cooked a typical holiday meal (ham, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, and rolls). After dinner, we viewed some old family slides on the projector. It’s been a while since I dusted those off.

On Christmas Day, we opened gifts in the morning, then Jake went to Brian’s, which left me to my own devices. To fill the time, I watched the movie after a lunch of Christmas Eve leftovers, then took an extended nap (90 minutes!) and then got to work on dinner, which was a new stuffed shells recipe. By the time dinner was ready, Jake returned home, with some additional gifts for me from my ex-family.

In the evening, we did our own thing. We have yet to meet up with my family to swap bags of gifts. Hopefully, tomorrow we’ll do that.

short-lived victory

I did another load of laundry this evening. I checked on the dryer after it had been running for a while and it was cold. Again. So, guess who’s getting a new dryer? I hope Krisay’s is open tomorrow. While a dryer isn’t as mission critical as a washer, I don’t have a lot of room to hang clothes to dry, so there is going to be a bit of a holdup with the laundry until this gets resolved.

That said, I’ve been pretty happy with the Speed Queen washer I purchased last year, so I’m going to get the matching dryer. That will hopefully make my trip to the appliance store quick. I was hoping I could purchase it on their website (the url would imply that), but there was not an option to do so.

Oh well, the dryer is the oldest appliance I have in the house so it was bound to go sooner or later. But, I would have preferred later.


They say that bad things always happen in threes, so let me tell you about the past few days.

First off, the dryer…the part I ordered from Repair Clinic arrived today. Conveniently, they had an instructional video that showed how to take the dryer apart, install the new part, and then put it back together. It was pretty simple, if not a bit time consuming, but the dryer is working! I’m not going to get too excited about it, though, as my past experience with fixing old appliances shows that sometimes other things break. But, I’m happy about it for now.

Two. Last night, I was going over my credit card statement and found four charges that I did not make. They were all for Amazon (so you’d think that will be easy for the credit card company to research as the order number was shown on my statement). A quick call to Chase this morning got the wheels in motion. So, all should be good there now.

Three. Last week I ordered crossbars for the Kona’s roof rack. They came today and the box was pretty busted up, so I wanted to get them installed to make sure they were ok (Jake helped me with it. When I say “helped”, I mean that he did it while I stood there in the cold giving moral support). Well, the one plastic cover had a crack in it. It’s usable, but I’d really like a replacement, so I sent a message to the seller (I got it on eBay) and they’re supposed to send me a replacement cover. We’ll see. The roof racks do look very nice, though. I bought them because I want to get a cargo box for when I go on trips. When Jake and I went on vacation last year, we couldn’t have fit another thing in the car, so the cargo box will free up some space.

If these are the worst things that happen to me in December, I’ll count myself lucky, but it does seem like one thing after another.

that time of the year

Time for one of my appliances to break. Saturday is a big laundry day and the last load I put in the dryer ran forever and was only half dry at the end. I turned it on for another cycle and found that it was not heating up.

I went to and went through their troubleshooting checklist for the issue and located a fuse that was no longer working. I ordered the part. I tested the other parts that could have caused the issue and they were all fine. Fingers crossed this will fix it. If not, I’m just going to buy a new dryer because this one is pretty old. No sense putting a few hundred into it to get it fixed.

The part is supposed to come tomorrow, but it seems like delivery is being delayed on everything these days. I hope I get it fairly soon, though. I don’t have a lot of room to hang things to dry so laundry is pretty much on hold until this gets resolved.

christmas time

I normally take a day off mid-December for Christmas preps. While I probably didn’t need to do that this year, I did it anyway. I addressed all of my cards and put them in the mail, wrapped gifts, and made a couple of evergreen swags. The tree Jake and I bought was way too tall, so I had a bunch of trimmings that I hated to throw away, hence the swags. Last weekend, we put up the tree, decorated the house, and put the lights outside. So, I guess we’re ready.