Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the princess bride

I was surprised to hear that Jake never watched this film. And, you really need to see it in order to understand half of the memes that are out there, so we watched it on Hulu (which is quickly becoming my favorite streaming platform) last night. It did not disappoint–it was just as delightful as the first time I saw it. Jake liked it, too.

My rating: 4/5

paint by numbers

My library project is moving along. The window seat is built (except for attaching the piano hinges to the lids) and painted. I was running low on paint and had bought a replacement gallon in November. I opened it up and put a coat on only to realize that it didn’t match. What the hell, Home Depot? This is paint that I have been purchasing forever as it’s used throughout the house. I went to Home Depot with my original can of paint and bought another quart. I noticed the formula codes were different and inquired about that. I was told that the paint formulation changed so they had to change the formula codes. I was skeptical about this seeing that the previous gallon of paint I purchased did not match, but when I tried it, it did indeed match. However, the gallon did not use the same color codes, so I guess that explains why it does not match. Though why that would be is a mystery. All of the stuff is in the computer so you wouldn’t think there’d be user error. I guess I’ll find out the next time I have to buy a gallon. I didn’t bother trying to return the gallon because I want to paint the one wall in the garage this year and it doesn’t really matter what color it is.

My next step is to paint, then install the shoe molding. After that, I’ll paint the baseboard trim. Then that leaves the tops of the bookcases. My current plan is to put crown molding along the front edge and marble tile on the tops of the book cases. I will need to do a trim piece along the back edge, but that shouldn’t be a big deal. So, I’m getting there! I took a little break from working on the project and got all of my fiction books organized. I’m in the middle of doing the same with the non-fiction stuff. I’m definitely on track to finish this project by the end of winter, which was my goal.

the whisper man

This is one of the best novels I’ve read in a long time. I believe I got the recommendation from Stephen King’s Twitter account–every once in a while, he picks a winner.

It wasn’t the same story or anything, but it kind of reminded me of Silence of the Lambs. So, take that for what it’s worth.

My rating: 4/5


For lack of something better to do, I watched this on New Year’s Eve. The movie told the story of a lower-class family that infiltrates an upper-class family by earning positions as part of their house staff (driver, maid, etc.). The upper-class family does not know that everyone in the lower-class family is related. Anyway, as you can imagine, things go terribly wrong. It was billed as a black comedy, but while I didn’t think it was particularly humorous, it was engrossing.

Factoid: it won four Oscars and was the first non-English language film to win Best Picture.

My rating: 3.5/5

the office

I watched this show again from start to finish and it was just as good as the first time, if not better. I finished it in the nick of time, too–it’s no longer going to be on Netflix as of January 1. Netflix is losing shows left and right to all of the other streaming services, which is a bummer as I like to have a sitcom going at all times. Most of the shows I watch are dramas, so it’s nice to switch to something light every once in a while. The sitcoms are in short supply on there anymore. I’ll have to see if Hulu is faring any better with that.

Anyway, I loved the show. It got a little weird after Steve Carrell left. He was always cringey, but in a good way. The people they got to replace him were over the top, in a bad way. And I hated the Jim/Pam thing in the last season or so. Things worked out in the end for them, but did they really have to sully it like that? And, Andrew Bernard is still my least favorite character.

My rating: 4/5