Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

virtual concert

Last night, the Foo Fighters had a live, streaming concert from The Roxy in LA. Since I haven’t done anything fun in ages, I decided to attend. And, I’m glad I did–it was a great show. There was one problem, though. The agency in charge sent out invalid access codes so I was unable to get in and missed the very beginning of the show. But, I guess you’ll have these things.

The reason for the show was to celebrate the release of their new single, Shame Shame (with the album to follow in February). Not only that, but it’s their 25th anniversary this year and they had a huge tour planned. Better luck next year!


I can’t believe I didn’t post about this earlier, but I’m trying out hydroponics this winter. I have two areas set up in my basement–one for smaller plants and another for larger ones. I planted two tomatoes, one cuke, one pepper, some lettuce, basil, and parsley. I have the smaller plants under my fluorescent grow lights and I bought an LED grow light for the larger plants.

I lined the grow room with mylar blankets. Between that and the red LEDs, it looks all crazy in there. I ended up having to drape mylar over the fluorescent lights, too, as the plants under them were getting pretty leggy. It’s too soon to tell if that strategy worked or not.

I harvested some lettuce over the weekend and made a Cobb salad for supper! The basil is looking pretty good, and I’ve used some of that already, too. The larger plants are coming along but it’ll be a while until I get a harvest from them.

Anyway, this was a nice way to extend my gardening season. Best of all, no weeding!

dog weekend

My weekend was heavy on dog activities. As usual, I went to the pack walk at the shelter on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, Jake and I met up with Jen (from work) and her dog Ruby at the Windber Rec dog park. There were like 10 dogs there! I was a little nervous to put Ralphie in there, but he did just fine. I guess he’s good with other dogs. He got quite a workout! Sunday afternoon, I went back to the shelter and did some solo dog walks. I haven’t done that in a while, but with the beautiful weather, I couldn’t pass it up. And the trend (sort of) continues tomorrow when I have a humane society board meeting.

full throttle

This was a book of short stories by Joe Hill (and a few were co-written by Stephen King). I prefer novels over short stories, but I’m not one to pass up a Hill or King story. I started it on vacation, but did not finish it (which was unusual because I normally read at least one book while on vacation). I then read a couple of novels before deciding to pick it up again and I really enjoyed the rest of it. There’s been a lot going on these past few years (divorce, pandemic, politics) and it has distracted me from enjoying reading, but I seem to be back into it now.

My rating: 4/5

halloween, pandemic-style

I wasn’t sure what to expect from the trick or treaters this year, but we had a normal amount of them, 42 to be exact (which was up from last year’s 30). This year, we put the candy out in order to eliminate having to interact with people. Normally, whenever I’m in charge, that’s what I do anyway so I don’t have to listen to the dogs barking for two hours. I did full size candy bars again and also put out some bagged chip-type things and mini Pringles cans. Surprisingly all of the Pringles went and we had some leftovers of the other stuff.