Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

first family

This was a novel by David Baldacci. While the book was well-written and a pretty easy and compelling read, it had one of the most ridiculous plots I’ve ever read (even more ridiculous than the most ridiculous James Patterson plot). The title should have been “Jump the Shark”. Sure, I can suspend disbelief here and there in the name of a plot, but this one really took the cake.

My rating: 3/5 for the writing; 2/5 for the plot

passport to fun

Jake and I got our 2nd vaccine on Thursday (it was the Moderna one). Our side effects weren’t too bad–mostly sore arm and tiredness. I know a lot of other people who had a lot worse, so I’m glad we got off easy. I feel almost back to normal today. Even so, I took the morning off from walking dogs at the shelter. I figure I’ll just take it easy today and get caught up on all the things I didn’t do the past two evenings. Anyway, I’m glad we’re past this milestone since we live among the unmasked here in Cambria County.


The library is finally done! Well, for now. I still want to do LED lighting and I have some decorating to do in the room as well, but the construction end of things is done.

that time

Gardening season is upon us. Over the weekend, I planted a bunch of peppers (bell and pepperoncini) indoors. And, today, I planted peas in the garden. I’m still waiting on my onion plants to get here (what the heck is up, Burpee?).

Before this, I did some cleanup in the front yard. I still have a little more to do, but that will be wrapped up soon, I hope. The next couple days don’t look great, but the long term forecast looks promising.

one year later

My parents are fully vaccinated, so Jake and I finally got to spend an evening with them on Saturday. We’ve not done so since last summer. We went there for a delicious turkey dinner/early Easter celebration. Things almost felt back to normal.

Jake and I were able to score a vaccine last week. Not sure why we were able to do so since it’s not open to everyone yet, but I’m not going to complain about it. I can only assume it had something to do with expiring doses or the like. As for side effects, we both had sore arms for a couple of days. The second shot is supposed to be worse, so I’m not going to make any plans for a day or two after that one, which will occur in about 4 weeks. Side effects or not, I’m looking forward to it!