Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

b is for burglar

This was the 2nd book in Sue Grafton’s alphabet series. It was good, but I didn’t like it as much as the first. This could have been because the previous book was the first one I’ve read from her in a while. Or, it could be that I read it while overly tired one too many times and forgot who half the characters were at the end of the book. Either way, I’m looking forward to the rest, but not before I read something from another author or two.

My rating: 3/5

garden time!

I’m still very far behind, but my goal is to get everything in the garden by the end of next weekend, which is Memorial Day weekend, so there’s that. The problem is that I have so many things to do outside that I keep going from one to the other and I never finish anything. I guess it’s time to start cherry picking the easiest tasks to complete. But, it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen too quickly given all of the rain in the near term forecast. I’m not going to complain about the rain, though. We could use it–the pond water level is already down a bit and I’m getting tired of watering the garden and a few patches of newly seeded grass.

mother’s day

We went to my brother’s place at Indian Lake on Mother’s Day. It was supposed to be for a cookout, but the weather had other ideas. I don’t remember it ever being so cold and rainy in May. We also celebrated some birthdays while we were there–mine, my brother’s, and Jake’s.

Overall, the weather is leaving something to be desired. I’ve hardly had a chance to get outside all month. I guess it doesn’t matter as I’ve been a bit busy with other things. Things will let up a bit next week, which also coincides with some nicer weather, so hopefully I’ll be able to get some stuff done outside as I feel like I’m behind already.

the weekend

We had pretty nice weather for a change. Yesterday was a bit cool, but very sunny. I went went for a hike on the Staple Bend Tunnel Trail with a friend and our dogs. It was very nice. I hadn’t ever been there before. That’s my kind of hiking–flat and on gravel.

Between that and walking dogs at the shelter in the morning, I didn’t get much else done. But, today was a different story. Not only did I do some household chores, I was able to get a few things accomplished on my neverending gardening task list. Not quite everything, but enough to make me happy. The weather is looking pretty iffy this week–possible rain and then cooler temperatures, so who knows if I’ll be able to get outside.

behind already

It’s not even May but I feel like I’m behind schedule when it comes to the yard/gardening. We’ve had a few nice days, but the weather hasn’t been that great yet, so I haven’t gotten out a lot. Hopefully that will change soon.

Last week, I picked up my plants from the annual Cambria County plant sale. I finally got the remaining vinca minor in the ground last night, but still have some flowers and blueberries to plant. I’m still in the process of removing the ivy around the pond–the vinca minor is replacing some of that. I believe I have one or two patches of ivy left. But, I have to think it’s going to keep coming back for a while–that stuff is impossible to get rid of.

I’m sure it will all get done eventually. Unlike last year, I don’t have a bunch of house projects scheduled for the summer (just a couple minor ones), so I should be able to get a lot more garden therapy in.