Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


I painted the front door a color other than white! It’s the next best thing–gray. I also installed a new handle/doorknob and a smart deadbolt. Most of this work was done on Friday, when I was off for my birthday. I painted the trim today, as well as trim around the other doors and the basement windows. It was so hot out–I really should have done this a different day but I just wanted it to be done, which it now is.


I had another date last week. This was my third first date, for those of you who are keeping track. This was more like a real date than the previous two–we went to a restaurant (Primanti Bros.). It went well, but I don’t think he’s the one for me. Interesting guy, though. Oh well…


It’s been 16 years since we installed it and it’s definitely past its expiration date. Back when we thought we were going to sell the house, we decided to hang onto it in case someone with kids was looking. But, since I’m here for the duration, I decided to have it removed–one less thing to keep up with. The playhouse was removed yesterday, but now I have to fix the yard. Any idea what to do with a couple hundred pounds of sand? I plan on spreading some of it in the yard, covering the remainder with topsoil, and hoping for the best.

long weekend

I usually take the Friday before Memorial Day off in order to get a solid weekend of gardening in. I did the same this year, but the weather was pretty much horrible. I mean, sure, it’s rained before, but has it rained and been in the 40s and 50s? I don’t think so.

I don’t have a lot of stuff going on inside, so there wasn’t much to do. I did manage to prime and paint the ceilings of the newly installed drywall in our office basement. It was definitely a good weekend for that. I can’t remember if I talked about this project recently, but we finally pulled the trigger and hired someone to do the bulk of the work. Seems like weird timing with the pandemic, but it’ll be a nice space when it’s done.

Monday was a lot nicer and we attended a Memorial Day/8th grade graduation/birthday party at my brother’s place at Indian Lake. After that, I put in a weeding shift outside. I have yet to plant my tomatoes, but that is on the agenda for this evening. I still need to harden off the peppers–that should happen this week.

best laid plans

So much for getting the garden in this weekend! I even took today off so I could get a bunch done in the yard/garden over the long weekend. I did plant the rest of the seeds (carrots, beets, beans, more peas) yesterday, but with the chilly weather in the forecast, I’m holding off until warmer temps before I plant the rest of the stuff (tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, cukes). This has to be the worst weather we’ve ever had over Memorial Day weekend.