Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


Where have I been these past few weeks? Not doing much, apparently.

Last fall, I saw some ads for MasterClass and was intrigued. Since nothing else is going on, I decided to sign up. I have taken a variety of classes–everything from dog training to cooking to fashion to negotiation tactics. The classes are really well done. I think I could watch just about any of them and get something out of it. They provide a workbook with each class, which is nice because I’m certainly not going to remember everything from watching the videos and they will serve as a good refresher on topics that I’m interested in making more progress in.

The service has a year subscription, so I’m trying to fit stuff in as I can because I know I won’t have as much time in the summer for this and there are a lot more classes I’d like to complete. I don’t imagine that I will renew after the year is up, but since they’re always adding new content, I could see myself signing up again down the road.


This was the final movie in my Netflix DVD queue. I’m putting that account on hold until Hollywood starts making movies again. In retrospect, I should have quit one movie before this one.

I saw an ad for this and promptly added it to my queue without doing much research–that was my first mistake. The plot had more holes than Swiss cheese. The special effects were awful. I could go on, but I won’t.

My rating: 2/5

r.i.p. buster

On Monday morning, I heard Buster scrambling around on the laminate floors. He has trouble getting his footing on them sometimes, so I helped him to his bed. Usually this is a fleeting problem, but it persisted into the afternoon, so I called the vet’s office to make an appointment. They were not able to fit us in until Tuesday morning, but I didn’t think that it was an emergency at that point so I was agreeable.

As the evening wore on, he kept getting worse. He could still walk a little, but pretty much kept to his bed, only getting up once or twice to get a drink or go outside. Outside, after he went, he would lay down in the snow. That’s when I started getting worried. We had to carry him in multiple times which was no easy task.

His breathing was also a bit labored and late that evening, his stomach looked distended. While totally fine at breakfast, he wouldn’t take any food the rest of the day. He spent the day and night in the living room so I “slept” (I didn’t get much sleep) on the couch that night. Tuesday morning rolled around and he was not looking better so I had a pretty good idea how our vet trip was going to go. Jake got him loaded into the car and I took him to his appointment.

The vet didn’t have to look him over for long before we got a diagnosis–Buster had multiple masses in his abdominal area and given his symptoms, one of them likely started bleeding. There wasn’t anything they could do but put him to sleep. Apparently this is a common thing that happens with dogs, but it’s my first experience with it.

At his age (13), you can kind of figure something like this could happen at any time, but it was still a bit of a shock–especially how fast things went down.

Buster was quite the character and his antics are well documented in this blog. He was totally into routines and would always remind me to fill his Kong bone with Bil-Jac after every meal. He never did master riding in a car and you could always count on him to get carsick. We took him on a couple of trips and he did not enjoy it at all because he wasn’t home. He was the barkiest dog to ever live (the house is so quiet without him). And, he liked cats and cats liked him.

Buster wasn’t always easy but he was the best boy he could be.

lady killer

This was another one from Lisa Scottoline’s Rosato & Associates law firm series. It followed the same premise of the other books in that series, which is to say that it was a legal thriller.

My goal this year (and the last few years) is to read one book a month. I know this isn’t that lofty of a goal, as I used to read a lot more, but it’s a start. Now that there’s not as much to watch on TV, perhaps I will have more time for reading.

My rating: 3.5/5

golden girl

I was looking for something new to watch and found a bunch of classic sitcoms on Hulu. I started watching Golden Girls last week. I watched it when it was originally on, way back when. It’s actually pretty funny. I’ve been finding that older sitcoms are funnier than the new stuff.

I was wondering just how old the golden girls were when the show started, so I looked it up. I was aghast to find out that Rue McClanahan (who played Blanche) was my current age when the show started. Seriously.