Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

another problem fixed

Krisay’s fixed my dishwasher yesterday. Yay! It’s so nice to have it working again, especially since I’m in canning mode and am generating a lot of dirty dishes. For similar reasons, I haven’t been very motivated to cook, so now I can get back on that, too.

jim gaffigan

Finally. I bought tickets for myself and Jake to see Jim Gaffigan before the pandemic started. The show was supposed to be last August. Needless to say, it was postponed until last night. It was at the Kovalchick Complex at IUP, which is a really nice venue.

It was a great show. The opener was on for a very short time–probably 15 minutes (which was pretty short compared to other stand-up shows I’ve been to). And, Jim Gaffigan did his seriously funny routine for about an hour (which is a pretty standard length for headliners). So, it was a quick night. I even got home in time to watch an episode of Better Call Saul before going to bed.

Prior to the show, I was happy to receive an email saying masks were required for all attendees. But, at the show, I was disappointed to see that mask wearers were in the minority and they did not appear to enforce the policy at all. So, if I end up with COVID over this, it will be a less funny memory.

free guy

Friday night was a date night at Fleegle Cinemas. We got some food and watched this great movie. Free Guy was about a character in a video game who evolves through AI. I don’t play video games, but this movie was very entertaining and funny–I think just about anyone would like it. Great special effects, too!

My rating: 4/5

one problem fixed

I was harvesting tomatoes the other day and was thinking about what to do with them–salsa, canned tomatoes, etc. I then realized that most of my canning recipes require roasting the tomatoes first and I still did not have an oven. So, I had to take action. The range I wanted was available at Home Depot, but they couldn’t deliver for two weeks. Someone recommended Best Buy to me (I didn’t have them on my radar for appliances). They also had the range I wanted and could deliver the next day! I placed an order online on Wednesday and they delivered yesterday. I’m excited to be back in business. I haven’t tried it out yet, but it looks great and hopefully won’t break anytime soon.

As for the broken dishwasher, I’m still waiting on that to be fixed, which is now supposed to happen next week. It has been a month since the repairman was here (apparently the part was on back order) and it broke a few weeks before that so I have been without a dishwasher for a long time. Consequently, I haven’t been very motivated to cook because I do not enjoy hand washing a bunch of dishes.

kick the keg

The Humane Society had a “Kick the Keg” fundraiser at The Fifth last night. Jake (a newly minted shelter volunteer) and I (a volunteer and shelter board member who is expected to attend these things) attended. At the event, the proceeds from a certain keg of beer went to the humane society. I don’t care for beer, but I played along. We also had dinner. Anyway, it was actually kind of fun hanging out with my fellow board members, shelter staff, and volunteers. More fun than I would have expected. And, the keg was kicked, so mission accomplished!

My company, Innovative Tomato, filmed the ad for the event. You can view it here: