Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

halloween 2021

I put 50 treats out this year and they were all gone by the end of the night. Not sure if one person took a bunch or if a few large groups of kids came through at the end. The Ring only picked up a few trick or treaters the last 30 minutes (and there was plenty of candy left when I checked), but the actual recordings failed, so I’ll never know. The one time you need it…

It was our first Busterless Halloween in a very long time. Things were pretty quiet. The dogs only barked once instead of the full 2 hours. I miss him.

the conjuring 2

Much like The Conjuring, this was also based on a “true story” of demonic possession. I’m not sure why I was lukewarm on the first movie as I really liked this one. It was the perfect movie to watch on All Hallows’ Eve Eve.

My rating: 3.5/5

nagging problems

As far back as I can remember, my bathtub drained water (albeit slowly) with the stopper engaged. After getting the tub refinished, I felt like it was finally time to fix the problem. I went to Ace Hardware and bought the only tub drain linkage assembly they had in stock. Wouldn’t you know it–it didn’t fit. The only place I could find one that looked similar to the existing one was Amazon, so I bought and installed it and it’s still not quite right. While it is preventing the water from draining when engaged, the stopper mechanism won’t go all the way up. I tried adjusting it numerous times, of course, but tired of that after a while, so I still need to tweak that down the road. The more important point is that it technically works.

But, my greatest triumph this year was fixing the window in my office (Jake’s former bedroom), which I did today. The window has been stuck shut forever (for quite possibly 15 years–that’s what I’m going with, anyway). After watching a bunch of videos and taking apart one of the windows that actually worked, I decided to purchase new parts for it–namely spiral tilt window balances and pivot shoes. I figured one of those parts had to be at fault, but guess what? After taking everything apart, I found out that one of the pivot shoes was getting stuck on a screw at the bottom of the window frame. But, I could not see this problem until disassembling the entire window, so I replaced the parts anyway. It was the bottom half of the window that was stuck and it got the new balances. The top half was off track and it definitely needed new pivot shoes, so not all was lost. I am so happy the window works again. I just hope that screw doesn’t come loose again, but at least I know what to look for if it does.



This was a Swedish film about a group of Americans who go to a small village in Sweden to attend their midsummer festival. For sure there were some weird things going on in this movie, but it was so long and drawn out, I had problems caring. A lot of symbolism, too. Had I realized this was from the director of Hereditary, I could have saved myself 2.5 hours.

My rating: 2/5

alex cross’s trial

First off, I’d like to say that I’m done reading James Patterson novels. Back when he actually used to write his own books, I thought he was really good. I liked the Alex Cross series so I continued to read his books even once they were co-authored. My former in-laws gave us a bunch of Patterson books a long time ago and I read most of them, but I am done now. I really don’t think his co-authored books are all that great. Sure, they are fast to read, but the plots are always ridiculous.

This particular novel was about Cross’ ancestors. It was not good.

My rating: 2.5/5