Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

don’t look up

This was a pretty great movie. The critics don’t seem to like it, but it had enough star power for me to give it a shot. I mean with Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep (who is making the age of 72 look fantastic), and more, how can you go wrong?

The premise of the movie is that a planet-destroying comet is hurtling towards earth. The scientists who discovered it can’t seem to get anyone interested in this fact. There were a lot of parallels to the current covid situation and previous White House administration, which makes me wonder if covid was the inspiration for the film. But that seems like a pretty tight timeline for getting a movie produced, so maybe not.

Anyway, given how things are going on earth, you can imagine how things end.

Make sure you stick around for the credits as there’s a particularly satisfying scene that isn’t shown until after the credits start rolling.

My rating: 4/5


i’m dreaming of a wet christmas

I guess it’s my lucky year, then. As opposed to last year, maybe it was–we actually got to spend Christmas with others this year, which was a nice change of pace. I did Christmas Eve dinner and my mom did the day of. Jake was around for Christmas Eve, but went to his dad’s around lunchtime on Christmas Day and then to his girlfriend’s for supper.

I had a few days of vacation left so I only worked Monday and Tuesday last week and am doing the same this week. Dare I say it–I was actually a little bored, which doesn’t happen to me a lot. But, unlike last winter, I’m not in the middle of any house projects, so there’s nothing pressing to do around the house.

back to the drawing board

After 6 months of dating, I broke things off with guy #4 this week. Nothing in particular happened to prompt the breakup, but I came to the realization that we were not going to be able to spend any kind of meaningful time together anytime soon. I kind of knew this going in, but was hoping for better results. There were a few other things that prompted this decision and while I could have made it work if it was just some of the things, the cumulative effect made me come to this decision. He was understanding about it because he recognizes that he doesn’t have a lot of time. So, things ended on good terms and I don’t regret trying to make it work, but I’m still bummed out about it, as would be expected.

Whenever this blows over (perhaps next month), I’ll start the online dating game again. Ugh.

we did it! hooray!

I just paid for Jake’s final semester of school. He’ll be graduating in the spring without any student debt! There were a number of factors that allowed us to do this, but it was mostly us saving for college for the past 21 years and Jake commuting to school, rather than staying on campus. Oh, and the fact that we only had one kid. It also didn’t hurt that he got a couple of scholarships and a tiny bit of aid along the way. The grandparents also helped out.

Anyway, I’m pleased that we were able to do this for him and I hope the fact that he doesn’t have student debt will allow him to have a better financial future.


I finished watching Narcos: Mexico last night. Previously, I watched Narcos. Both were really great, though I enjoyed the first one (which mostly told the story of Pablo Escobar) slightly more than the 2nd one (which was about the rise of the Mexican cartels). The two did have some crossover of characters. There was a lot going on and I could probably watch both again. Unfortunately there’s not going to be another season or series coming out, though I did read that Sofia Vergara is going to be the lead character in Griselda, which will be produced by the Narcos team. So, I’m looking forward to that.

My rating: 4/5