Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

new dentist blues

I suspect this category of posts is going to get lengthy as I get older. I’d been planning on switching dentists for a while as I was still going to my childhood dentist in Portage all these years. My hand was forced this spring when he retired. I heard good things about Chestnut Hills Dental from a few people I know so I decided to give them a try (and it doesn’t hurt that they are minutes away from my house).

I had my first appointment yesterday and it was a bit of an ordeal as compared to going to my old dentist. The old dentist did not have a hygenist, so he did everything. Yesterday, I met with the hygenist first and got a bunch of x-rays and a thorough cleaning before seeing the dentist, who basically popped in for two minutes and said that I have two cavities and need a crown on one tooth. Ugh. I’m not really surprised about either as my previous dentist was pretty conservative with treatment. Well, I’m a little surprised about the cavities because the old dentist never mentioned any issues. But the tooth that needs a crown has been bothering me for a couple of years, so I suppose it will be nice to get that fixed. Not nice for my pocketbook (I do have dental insurance, but it only covers 50% for “major” services), but at least I’ll be able to chew normally again. Why the old dentist didn’t recommend this is a mystery, but I guess it’s not one I need to worry about.

weekend update

It was a busier than usual weekend for me. Yesterday, I had a bunch of things on the calendar. First, I walked dogs at the shelter, which I do pretty much every Saturday. We haven’t been having much of a turnout lately (hopefully it will pick up once the weather is nicer), so I had to leave before everyone was walked. I felt bad, particularly since my walking partner ended up staying until 1pm to walk everyone (we started at 9am).

I had to leave because I had plans to meet my friend Carol for lunch at Tap 814. I’ve seen her briefly once or twice during the pandemic, but this is the first quality time we’ve spent together since then. Interestingly enough, the last time we went out was right before the pandemic shutdown in March of 2020. Also at Tap 814.

Last night, I went to a volunteer appreciation BBQ at the shelter. They got food from Red’s Texas BBQ. It was pretty good and it was nice of them to host it.

Other than that, I’ve been doing some yard work. It’s brush pickup week in my township, so I’m trying to get the bulky stuff out to the curb so I don’t have to take it to the township’s brush pile myself.

natural causes

This was a pretty engaging medical thriller written by the author Michael Palmer. I’ve been having trouble finding time to read in recent years (thanks Netflix and Hulu), but I made time each night to read this.

My rating: 3.5/5


Not much to report lately. We did the Easter thing with my family yesterday. In the morning, Jake did his Easter egg hunt. We probably don’t have too many of those left, if any.

And what is with this weather? This has been one crappy spring. I’ve maybe gotten outside a few hours so far. I know better weather is on the horizon, but there is snow laying on the ground right now.

the many saints of newark

Being a Sopranos fan, I was pretty excited to hear about this movie. I thought it was going to be about Tony Soprano, but it was more about Dickie Moltisanti (who wasn’t even on the Sopranos–he was Christopher Moltisanti’s father and the character died before the Sopranos began). The movie was ok. If you’re a Sopranos fan, it’s good to have some background. But, I wouldn’t recommend it as a stand-alone movie.

I did like some of the casting choices, particularly Vera Farmiga as Livia Soprano, Corey Stoll as Junior Soprano, and Lauren DiMario as teenage Carmela De Angelis. I had trouble remembering what characters were what since they were all played by younger actors than what was on the series, but not so with these three–that was some good casting.

My rating: 3/5