Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

a golden gathering

Apparently this amazing event in Ligonier has been happening for a few years. I don’t know how I didn’t hear about it before. Basically, there’s a show dog (a Golden Retriever) who’s from Ligonier and they started this event a few years ago in his honor. There were over 80 dogs in attendance. And, zero issues. I’d like to see you do that with any other breed. Anyway, it was pretty fun and I’d go back even without a dog.

the plate scrapers

More free music at People’s Natural Gas Park last night. This time, it was The Plate Scrapers, a bluegrass band from Virginia. They were pretty good. It’s not like I listen to bluegrass in my daily life, but they played the uptempo kind and I can pretty much get on board with any music that is >=128bpm.

news of the world

My mom recommended this movie and it was pretty good. Not sure how I didn’t hear of it before, but it performed quite poorly at the box office, thanks to being released right before covid.

Tom Hanks was in it. I guess he must be one of my favorite actors, because I’ve seen most of his movies. In the movie he plays a character who brings “News of the World” to the people of Texas, by traveling from town to town and reading newspapers to his audience. While on the road, he comes in contact with a girl who lost her family and was raised by an Indian tribe. The rest of the story is the attempt to reunite her with what remains of her family. But then there’s a twist, of course. Trust me, you will see it coming.

My rating: 3.5/5

f is for fugitive

Another one from Sue Grafton. This one was about a fugitive…

My rating: 3/5

john gresh’s gris-gris

This band played a free show at People’s Natural Gas Park last night, so I went. It wasn’t necessarily my usual style of music to listen to, but I recognized some of the songs and they were a fun band. They played New Orleans style R&B. There are a couple other free shows scheduled at the park, as well as some paid ones. I plan on going to all of them in order to support music in Johnstown. Because there’s nothing like seeing a band and then being home in 10 minutes after the show.