Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

fcmf 2022

The music festival was back at its usual time of year for 2022. I went down for a few hours after work yesterday and again this afternoon. I saw a couple really good bands–it was very enjoyable. I wasn’t into any of the headliners, though I guess I’m usually not–they get some quality acts, but it’s just not bands I listen to. As for the other slots, it’s usually bands I haven’t heard of, so it’s more interesting to check them out. They always have some good blues music and this year was no different.

Jake’s working the video cameras for the main stage again this year, so he’ll be able to let me know what I missed.

I’ve seen a lot of live music this month! There won’t be quite as much next month, but I do have a couple of shows (in Johnstown) on my schedule. I’m not sure if I’ll make it to all of them because they’re all the same week, but I’ll see what I can do.

the hollows

This book was ok. The plot was a little iffy, but it was easy and fairly compelling to read. I wanted to get it out of the road before vacation because it was about a man and his daughter who visit a cabin resort and mayhem ensues. I didn’t think that would be a good one to read on my upcoming cabin vacation.

My rating: 3.5/5


I went to see Get the Led Out at People’s Natural Gas Park last night. In case you didn’t figure it out, they’re a Led Zeppelin tribute band. This was not a free concert, but it was definitely worth the money. While they’re not the same caliber as Brit Floyd, they put on a great show. They played a pretty long time, too. The show started at 8 and was over around 10:30. They did have a short intermission at 9, but that’s still a long time to play.

paint job

Way back when my house was purchased the siding needed painted. For whatever reason, this task never got done. I think it was mostly because we couldn’t DIY it. Anyway, after getting a new roof, gutters, and garage door the other year, I really wanted to get the siding painted. After 20+ years it definitely needed it.

Last spring, I contacted a couple painters, but only one called me back. When they gave me the estimate, they warned me that they still hadn’t completed jobs from the previous year, so it might be a while. Fast forward 15 months and I still hadn’t heard from them. So, I called last month to see what was up and they said I was on the schedule for July. And, this was my lucky week. They came first thing Monday morning and did the power washing and primer. Then, Tuesday, they painted. Besides the paint they splattered all over the place (bricks, sidewalk, plants, roof, etc.), it looks great. Ugh. They said to expect to do this again in 5-10 years. Hopefully I can find someone else to do it at that point.

The next big project is to get a new sidewalk and the bottom half of the driveway redone. I’m going to have to replenish the coffers before that happens, though. The house is definitely starting to get into “do over” mode, so I’m sure that won’t be the last big project.


Does this make me the queen? I like to think so. After an uncomfortable month of wearing a temporary crown, I got the permanent one put on a week ago. If I ever have to do this again, I’m going to make sure they schedule the two appointments closer together because four weeks of that is too many.

The crown seems to be working out pretty well. I still have some hot/cold sensitivity on that side of my mouth, (but it might be from two recent fillings–it’s hard to tell for sure). I will say that it is nice to be able to chew on that side of my mouth again. Also, thank goodness for dental insurance.