How big of a pain in the ass is this guy‘s dad?
bringing home the bacon
The bacon was finally ready to be picked up from Froehlich’s yesterday. All eight pounds of it. This is precisely the reason that I split the meat with my mom. Eight pounds of bacon is more than three people should consume in a short time period (or maybe even in a long time period). I guess your consumption limit depends on what diet you are following. I happen to follow the “everything in moderation” diet. Eight pounds doesn’t happen to translate to “moderate” in my view. Plus, bacon doesn’t keep very long (1-2 months in the freezer), so we’ll be eating it practically every week until it’s gone, anyway. Not that anyone’s complaining…
Maybe it’s just me, but did anyone else see a pair of leathery wings emanating from Dick Cheney’s back during last night’s debate? His hands kinda looked liked cloven hooves, too, come to think of it. You had to squint to see it…maybe my tv’s just on the fritz.
it’s beginning to look a lot like christmas
I just finished making the last of my Christmas cards this evening. Take that, all you people still getting ready for Halloween! If it’s any consolation, it’s not like I actually wrote out the cards and addressed the envelopes…yet.
This is the first year I made Christmas cards. Not knowing how long it was going to take, I wanted to get an early start. It took about three weeks so starting in October should be sufficiently early next year. It’s no fun making cards if things are down to the wire, so I want to be sure to do them well ahead of time. If only I had my Christmas shopping done, then I’d be happy. Some people, like Brian and Jake are always easy to shop for. Others, like some of the family members I’ve been shopping for year after year after year are a bit more difficult.
happy october
Brian’s at the Steeler game today with his parents and Shawn so Jake and I thought this might be a good opportunity to get ready for Halloween. First, we (or should I say I) made up the treat bags with what was left of the candy after Jake and I got done with it. Yum! At least Willy Wonka won’t have to worry about going out of business this year. Last year we ran out of candy, so I made up a bunch more bags this year. There seem to be a lot more kids in the neighborhood these days. I guess that’s a good thing.
Next I got all of the decorations out of the attic and we decorated the house. The clutter is maddening. I’m looking forward to November 1 already. Of course, November marks the first of two months of holidays. That is perhaps my least favorite time of the year, but that is another story for another day.