Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

beef: it’s what’s for dinner

I just finished defrosting my freezer in anticipation of the side of beef my mom and I are getting next week. We’ll each be getting 150+ pounds of beef, so none of us in either family should end up anemic in the next year.

The beef is from a farm in Friedens, PA (which is in Somerset County). They raise Black Angus cattle there. Mmm, delicious. Their meat is hormone-free and they raise their own feed, so that helps them to score some points with me. I’m not some kind of organic zealot, but I try to take the healthier route whenever it is available.

Let’s see, I’ve done the pork and beef thing already this year. Maybe next time, I’ll try a whole chicken! I probably won’t split it with my mom, though. (I can almost hear the groans.)

kill bill vol. 1

Last night was another margarita and a movie night.

I wasn’t planning on liking this movie. I just wasn’t interested in watching a gratuitously violent movie last night. However, I did like the film. Don’t get me wrong, there was more arterial spray than you could shake a cauterizing gun at, but it was still pretty entertaining. The violence was so extreme that it was almost comical. So, I guess we’ll be watching Kill Bill Vol. 2 when it comes to cable.

The Flick Filosopher hated the film, but her review is pretty accurate anyway. I guess we are all entertained by different things.


I got the new A Perfect Circle album, eMOTIVe, yesterday. There are a few songs on it that I like and a few that I will never like. But, I would have bought the album no matter what, just to support the band. They definitely made the covers their own. Maynard seems to have added a new vocal style to his repertoire–the jury’s still out on that one, though.

Of my two favorites, Imagine and Passive, Passive is my favorite. Passive is from Trent Reznor’s Tapeworm project that never came to fruition. I was never really into the song Imagine before, but I like this version of it well enough.

If you thought their last album was too mellow, this one is definitely not for you. All in all, I liked the t-shirt I got with the cd better than the cd.

old joke

Brian said not to post this because the image is like, two years old (though he saw it with different text). But, I can’t stop laughing about it so here you go.

Number of days until the next presidential election: 1461

what’s that in the air?

The stench of defeat…

Things aren’t looking good for the Kerry campaign. I guess there’s still a chance that they’ll win the election, but I’ve resigned myself to another four years of W. Unfortunately. I’d like to thank all of you one-issue voters for making this possible.

The only thing I have to console myself with is the fact that Kerry won Pennsylvania. What this means is that even if everyone I know voted for Bush, it doesn’t matter. Thank you, electoral college.

National debt: $7,451,711,310,009.45
Your portion: $25,285.61