Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

today’s lesson

Mea culpa. I had erroneously been referring to the ‘national debt’ as the ‘national deficit’ (previous posts have since been fixed). It turns out that the national debt is the total amount of money that the government owes, whereas the ‘national deficit’ (or budget deficit) is the amount the government overspends in a single year. If you add up the national deficit numbers from every year, you get the national debt.

If the government doesn’t overspend, it’s called a budget surplus. Clinton was the only president in recent history to have a budget surplus. Bush took care of that “problem”.

Our elected officials, in their infinite wisdom, have increased the national debt limit to $8.18 trillion. If this doesn’t screw up the economy, I don’t know what will. Alan Greenspan concurs.

National debt: $7,449,106,021,485.29
Your share: $25,264.80

You can send your contribution here:
P O BOX 2188
PARKERSBURG, WV 26106-2188

jesus complex

OK. So, Jake’s taking karate. About a week or so after he started, we received our payment booklet and some general information from the karate school. One of the things they ask of the students is that they wash their feet before going to class. Karate class is conducted in bare feet, so I can see their point. Anyway, the first time I washed Jake’s feet he was pretty into it. Now, every week, way before it’s time to leave for karate, he’s asking to have his feet washed.

The first time he asks me to wash his feet with perfume and my hair will be the end of karate as we know it.

Call me Mary Magdalene.

politics, as usual

Comedian Janeane Garofalo was quoted saying that “being a Republican this year is more than a difference of opinion—it’s a character flaw.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.

I should mention that I don’t normally talk politics. In fact, I don’t normally even make my politics known. Occasionally I will do so with like-minded people, but even that’s pretty rare because I don’t ever bring the subject up. So, it kind of has to present itself.

The reason I don’t talk politics with non-like-minded people is that I’m not going to change their opinion and they’re not going to change mine, so what’s the point in discussing anything? I’m not one to argue just for the sake of arguing. I can find better things to do with my time (like pontificate on my blog, for example).

It is interesting that I don’t seem to have any problem discussing politics on my blog. Of course it could have something to do with my audience (you know, all six of them). For many of my readers, I’m preaching to the choir. For the others, I guess you’re learning something new about me, eh? Don’t agree with me? Get your own blog.

National debt: $7,451,639,974,177.92
Your share: $25,274.76

what would brian do?

Evidently the answer is “drink all of the beer.”

This evening, I was raiding my wine bottle supply in order to find a few cases of empties. This Friday, we are hoping to bottle my last two batches of wine for the year. I found just enough so I am in good shape for the pending event.

While going through all of the boxes in our storage area, I happened upon some bottles of beer that Brian made (last year, perhaps?). One of the cases (12, 20-ounce bottles) was one of the better batches he’s made–oatmeal stout. So, he was pretty excited about my find. Apparently all of the excitement muddled his brain (or maybe it was the hockey puck he took to the noggin last Friday), because the conversation we had went something like this:

Brian: “This is great. I’ll have to put two in the fridge and try them out and make sure they’re still drinkable.”
Angela: “Yeah, I can’t remember exactly when you made that beer. But, since it’s a stout, it’ll probably still be ok.”
Brian: “We’ll be able to drink this at practice on Saturday. It’s too bad John’s not drinking beer right now because I don’t know how Shawn and I are ever going to be able to drink all of this in one night.”
Angela: “So, what you’re trying to say is that Saturday is the last time you’re ever going to have practice? You won’t be able to drink some of the beer this Saturday, and say, some of the beer the following Saturday?”
Brian (with a look of dawning realization on his face): “Oh, right…”

So, if you ever find yourself questioning what to do with your alcohol supply, just ask yourself, WWBD?

’twas a hockey night in johnstown

Brian, Jacob, and I went to a Chiefs game with Judy this evening. A good time was had by all until Brian got his bell rung by an errant hockey puck. After that point, only Judy, Jacob, and I were having a good time. There’s nothing like a hockey puck to the noggin to put you in a bad mood. Or, so I am told.

Of course, Jacob ate the whole game, so how could he not have a good time? Eating is his favorite pastime. It’s almost hard to believe that he’s thin–I don’t see how he could possibly eat any more food in one day. Just what are these overweight kids eating, anyway? Sticks of butter for their snacks?

So, we’re walking to the car after the game, and there’s someone in the parking lot explaining how to use a chainsaw to their friend. That’s something you don’t see very often.

By the way, the Chiefs decided to win tonight’s game for a change, rather than tie it. They beat Peoria 6-5.