Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

old joke

Brian said not to post this because the image is like, two years old (though he saw it with different text). But, I can’t stop laughing about it so here you go.

Number of days until the next presidential election: 1461

what’s that in the air?

The stench of defeat…

Things aren’t looking good for the Kerry campaign. I guess there’s still a chance that they’ll win the election, but I’ve resigned myself to another four years of W. Unfortunately. I’d like to thank all of you one-issue voters for making this possible.

The only thing I have to console myself with is the fact that Kerry won Pennsylvania. What this means is that even if everyone I know voted for Bush, it doesn’t matter. Thank you, electoral college.

National debt: $7,451,711,310,009.45
Your portion: $25,285.61


I hope you all voted today. If not, then we dedicate the next rottenstone song to you. And that’s not a compliment.

Brian and I always vote after supper. We were numbers 502 and 503, respectively. I don’t ever remember getting a number that high, so voter turnout must’ve been good today. We can only hope so. A high turnout translates to minorities and youth which translates to a Kerry victory. We’ll see…


A wise man (Peter Steele) once said, “Every day is Halloween.” While this might be true for some people all of the time, it was certainly true for everyone today. But, it was apparently true for less people this year than last–we have a ton of candy left over. I wonder if it was because trick or treat night was on a Sunday this year. Normally, it is on a Thursday.

Jake was “Batman Beyond”. Whatever that is. You be the judge–view our Halloween pictures here. The kid was so anxious to get home and eat his candy that he hardly went to any houses. Sooner or later, he’ll learn the lesson of Halloween: the longer you stay out, the more candy you get. And while this might delay the instant gratification of eating your candy at 6:15 on Halloween, you will be eating candy for many more days. And, that makes it all worthwhile.

attic project, part 2

Since Jake was at the grandparent’s today, Brian and I spent the day working on our on-going attic project. We*** inserted baffles in order to keep the insulation off of the roof deck and to improve ventilation for the soffits we previously installed (see attic project, part 1 for details). We also tripled our available storage space by putting more flooring down in the eaves.

So, half of the attic is now completed. We’re slated to do the other half next month. Of course, the other half will be a bigger pain because there’s more stuff stored in that part. And to make it even more of a challenge, there’s ductwork and pipes running all over the place.

At least the job went quickly. It probably only took 3 to 3 1/2 hours, which is better than I would have guessed. Either way, I’m still beat. I could really use a nap right about now, but we’re off to pick up Jake soon, so I guess I can forget about that idea. At least I’ll get an extra hour of sleep tonight–don’t forget to turn back those clocks!

***When I say ‘we’, I mean Brian. He got to roll around in insulation all day, while I mostly handed him stuff. But, he wasn’t complaining. Some help is better than no help, I guess.