Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


‘Brian, do you like baseball? I hate baseball.’

For almost 11 years I’ve known Brian. Not once have I had to watch a baseball game. Suddenly, we’re watching baseball every night. And, he’s enjoying it. You think you know someone…

political rant

I don’t know why the current election pisses me off so much (well, ok, I have some ideas), but when I see a Bush/Cheney sign in someone’s yard or a sticker on their car, I make a mental note to not like that person. I’m anxious for the election to be over so I can stop judging everyone on earth.

And, no matter how it turns out, I’m sure I’ll live. I mean, I got through the past four years, didn’t I? Kerry certainly wasn’t my first choice for a Democratic contender, but I’ll take him. And if/when Bush gets re-elected, at least there’s a silver-lining to that cloud…Hillary in 2008!

Did I just say that? Uh oh. For reasons such as this, I don’t have comments turned on in my blog. That is, I don’t care about YOUR opinion.

This message was brought to you by riesling-gewurztraminer.

got wood?

As you might remember, Brian bought a bunch of lumber at an auction on Saturday. All of the loading/unloading of the truck must’ve affected his brain. That night, as we were going to bed, I asked him a question about the project he’s currently working on in the shop. His response was “I have enough wood.” Needless to say, that wasn’t a valid answer for my question. Apparently he was drifting off to sleep and thinking about the day’s activities while I was talking. Indeed, we have enough wood.

In sort-of related wood news, we celebrated “Law Arbor Day 2004” yesterday by planting a dogwood tree, a white spruce, and four more yews (hedges). We’ve been planting stuff every fall for the past four years. I hope to finally finish off the hedges next year (we need around 6-8 more plants). Other than that, we’re good on the tree count. The only major landscaping I have left is around the shed and to create a herb garden. The herb garden is planned for next spring, but I think I might drag the shed thing out for a few years.

21 grams

21 grams is supposedly the weight of the human soul. It is also one cool movie. Brian and I caught it on Starz last night.

It was 30 minutes into the movie before I could figure out what the heck was going on. It was rather Memento-like in that the scenes were played in a different order than they happened. Once I figured that out, the movie started to make some sense. And, Brian and I really like Naomi Watts–she’s such a great actress. Whenever I want to see a movie again as soon as it’s over, that’s how I know it was good. It’s on again Wednesday, so we’re going to catch it again then. There were a lot of interruptions (i.e. Jake) during the viewing last night, so I’m sure we missed some cool stuff.

Strangely enough, the Flick Filosopher didn’t have anything to say about the movie.

with visions of cherry furniture dancing in my head

Well, we finally won the lottery today–the auction lottery. In the past few years, Brian has attended the occasional auction in an attempt to get some cheap lumber. The only thing he ever won the bid on was a small pile of oak.

Today there was an auction that had some cherry and maple–the two types of wood we need. So, Brian went and won the mother lode–two truckloads of wood (mostly cherry). His friend John was there (unfortunately for him) and had his truck. And being the nice guy that he is, he offered to help Brian haul the lumber home.

Of course, we don’t have any place to store that much lumber, so into the shed it went. It’s sitting in the spot reserved for the motorcycle! motorcycle! motorcycle!. Looks like Brian has a lot of work to do before next spring in order to reclaim his spot…