Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

it’s that time of the month

You know, time to go to the liquor store! I made my monthly trip there today and picked up a little extra for the holidays. One more thing to check off my Christmas “to do” list. While there, I picked up the holy trinity of alcohol (according to the book of Angela, chapter 6, verse 13)–tequila, rum, and vodka. Mmm. Methinks this is going to be a Margarita night. I ran out of liquor last weekend and could use a good stiff drink this evening. If you don’t think a Margarita is a stiff drink, then you’re not making them right.


Time is something I don’t have too much of. I am constantly busy. When I’m not busy, it only means that I’m procrastinating. There are always things to do around the house. And if I ever run out of actual work, I can always fall back on my hobbies. It probably wouldn’t kill me to practice my guitar or bass once in a while.

With the holidays upon us, things are even worse. There’s all of the holiday crap to deal with: decorating, shopping, wrapping gifts, baking, parties, visiting, sending cards, etc. As if I don’t have enough to do already.

There are some people, however, who apparently have too much time on their hands. Take this site, for instance. Whoever compiled this list of fictitious books certainly had a lot of reading to do. The Stephen King ones alone would’ve kept me busy for quite a while. And, it just goes to show how busy I am–I never even would have thought to compile such a list.

you might be a redneck if…

I work at the office on Wednesdays. I rarely make it in on time (I’m 5-10 minutes late, usually), but I’ve been making a concerted effort the past few weeks to get to work on time because they changed breakfast time at the daycare. So, if Jake is to eat, I need to get his butt there early. OK, so I don’t really care about getting to work on time–Jake just needs to get to daycare in time for breakfast. But, if he’s on time, I’m on time, and we’re all happy.

This morning, time was on my side for a change. I went into the kitchen to pack my lunch and looked out the window to see one of our garbage cans blown halfway across the yard. The other garbage can was nowhere in sight. So, half-dressed and with wet hair, I braved the elements and went on a garbage can/lid scavenger hunt and reclaimed our property. (At least I think the cans I reclaimed were ours. Either way, we win.)

Now for my pet peeve. Normally Tuesday is our garbage day. But, Monday was a special holiday here in western PA otherwise known as “First Day of Buck Season”, so the garbage men had the day off and it pushed back pickup by a day for the rest of the week. Otherwise, we could’ve avoided the situation entirely.

I guess it could’ve been worse. Our neighbors lost about a half dozen shingles on their newly shingled roof. I can always buy a new garbage can, but I’d prefer to not have any roofing projects on my plate in December.

Oh yeah, I was 5-10 minutes late this morning.

rudolph the red-nosed reindeer

The 40th Anniversary showing of Rudolph was on this evening. We thought Jake might enjoy it, so we all watched it. Boy, did that bring back the memories. Remember when the month of December used to drag on for an infinity? Now, time seems to go by so fast. All December means to me anymore is that I have a crapload of work to do in order to get ready for Christmas.

I used to watch all of those Christmas specials every year when I was a kid. Jake enjoyed it for the most part, though he yelled “BORING!” during the singing parts. And the stop-motion animation looks so dated–nothing like the CGI used for movies like Shrek, that’s for sure.

winter cold

Jake and I both caught our first colds of the season over the weekend. I can’t believe it held off until almost December this year. It was two years ago that we were both sick from August till May. That year sucked. These are the things they don’t tell you about when you decide to have a kid. But, I guess this daycare thing will pay off next year–by the time Jake starts school, he should be immune to just about every bug out there.

And speaking of cold, the weather hasn’t been too bad. I actually like having some snow for Christmas, but other than that, I can do without it. If we can just get to January without a permanent blanket of snow on the ground, I’ll call it a winner.