Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

frosty the monday

When I checked the temperature this morning it was minus two. Minus two. That’s the actual temperature, not the wind chill factor. This is the sort of thing I’d expect to see in January, not in December. That is one of the many reasons why January sucks.

That’s all I have to say.


At some point in the past 10 years I started viewing holidays through jade-colored glasses. I’m not sure how or when this happened, but I believe it was a slow progression brought on by marriage and having twice as much family to contend with. When it comes down to it, I tend to have a good time wherever we spend the holidays, but the stress of thinking about all of the running around does me in beforehand.

But, then there are days like today…Last Christmas, Jacob was bemoaning the fact that he didn’t have a Christmas tree for his bedroom. My father caught wind of this and picked him up a little artificial tree after the holidays. This morning, Brian and Jacob picked out and cut down our tree. While we were putting it up, I suggested that he decorate his tree. We got it all set up on a table, put on the lights, and he came out to the living room periodically and picked the ornaments he wanted to hang on his tree. On one of his trips, he exclaimed, “This is the best day of my life!” This even made me, the jaded holiday queen, smile (for more than a few minutes at that). Just wait till Christmas, kiddo. I guess this is one of the benefits of having a child–they can make you remember how much and why you enjoyed the holidays in the first place.

dishwasher blues

My dishwasher has been leaking all week. This happened once before and it was caused by the dishwasher being out of level. Unfortunately, that is not the case this time. Brian pulled the dishwasher out from under the cabinets and there’s an important-looking part that’s leaking underneath the dishwasher. When I say important, it’s like the motor or something.

So, we had to call the repair guy. We waited all day for him to call back and he called to say that he can’t come until Monday morning. Good thing I work at home that day. What do people with real jobs do when the repair guy has to come–take a vacation day? Anyway, I’m not thrilled about all of this because I’m going to be without a dishwasher for who knows how long. I’d put money on the fact that he’s going to have to order a part for it, so that’ll probably push the fix back until after Christmas.

I guess part of the reason I’m so bummed out about this is that we generally fix everything ourselves. What’s next–hiring someone to remodel our bathroom? *gasp* The second reason is that I cook A LOT. The dishwasher is run every day. There are some days the dishwasher gets run two or three times.

Brian, being the sweetheart that he is, washed all of the dirty dishes that had been piling up in the kitchen. Will this be a regular occurrence until the dishwasher is back in order? Time will tell.

It’s not like I always had a dishwasher to do my dishes. My mom always had one, but after I moved out, I didn’t have one until we remodeled our kitchen in 2000. But, I’m afraid four years of not having to wash dishes has spoiled me and I’m going to be lamenting the fact that it is broken until I no longer have to wash dishes by hand anymore.

bad santa

Now, that’s my kind of holiday flick. No one’s going to mistake this movie for It’s a Wonderful Life, that’s for sure. The movie was fairly amusing, but pretty much forgettable. Billy Bob Thornton, while a total freak in real life, is actually a pretty good actor. I like him (and Angelina Jolie) ever so much more now that they are divorced.

The whole Santa concept was interesting. I’ve done my best not to perpetuate the whole Santa thing with Jacob, but, as you know, he does have grandparents, so I cannot totally shield him from the myth. I remember figuring out the Santa thing at a very early age–mostly because Santa had the same hand-writing as my mom and stored our gifts under my parent’s bed. And, oh yeah, we didn’t have a chimney for him to come down. Jacob, being the little genius he is, is sure to figure it out himself sooner rather than later. But, we’ll keep going along with the idea as long as is necessary. Just don’t expect to see me at the mall in the line to see Santa.

The Flick Filosopher totally loved the movie, but what do you expect from an atheist?

let it snow!

Well, the first official snow of the season is upon us. Jake’s all excited about playing in the snow. Lucky for me, my dad watched him while I worked today, so he got to go out and play in the snow with Jake. Surprisingly, they were out for quite a while.

On a sort-of related note, the “by Angela” stamp I bought for my Christmas cards came on Saturday, so I got all of my cards ready and they are being mailed this week. Seeing that I’m too lazy to go to the post office, I’m putting a few in our mailbox each day this week so they’ll all be mailed by Friday. Friday, incidentally being “gift wrapping” day. Jake will be at preschool in the a.m., so Brian and I will get his gifts wrapped while he’s gone (we’re both off on Friday). After he comes home, he’ll have to entertain himself upstairs while we wrap the rest. I guess we’ll have to decorate the house a bit between Friday and Saturday as well. We also need to get our tree on Saturday. The place we buy our trees is only open on Saturdays and Sundays, hence the wait.

And, I’ve been baking dog treats like a mad woman since the weekend. Three recipes down, two to go. I still have my human treats to make. All of that should be wrapped up by the weekend. Busy week–not only here but at work as well. It seems like I’m always ridiculously busy at work around Christmas. You’d think I could catch a break somewhere. The main problem is that I’m doing some testing for a project I reviewed, and the testing takes four days. So, pretty much everything else is getting pushed back until I’m done, which will likely make my next few weeks incredibly busy. Oh well, at least it makes the day go fast. I don’t mind having a lot of work to do, I just hate getting interrupted every few minutes when I’m trying to do it.