Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

phipps conservatory

I’ve been wanting to go to the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens for the longest time, so I went there this morning. As much as I hate driving in Pittsburgh, at least this wasn’t dahntahn. But, it was definitely worth fighting the traffic and the nonsensical roads of Pittsburgh–it was amazing! The desert plants were my favorites, but it was all pretty amazing–especially the glass art collection. I will definitely visit there again. If I lived closer to Pittsburgh, I’d get a membership and go all the time. It was well worth the visit.

another round

This movie was listed as a comedy/drama, but it was pretty light on the comedy. Or maybe I missed it because it was a German film, and Germans aren’t exactly known for being funny. That said, I still enjoyed it. It was about 4 teachers/friends who decided to drink all day every day to see how it affected their personal and social lives. The idea was based on some psychological theory that you should maintain a .05 BAC. I didn’t look to see if this is an actual thing.

Given it was also a drama, you might guess that things did not end well, and you might be correct.

My rating: 3.5/5

shopping and dinner

Jake and I made our semi-annual trip to TJ Maxx last night. For a change, I found some stuff for myself (I got 2 dress shirts and some socks). Jake always finds things he likes–he got some shirts, a pair of shorts, and a rain jacket. They had a pretty nice selection yesterday–I probably should have gotten another shirt or two. They also had some off-brand items that I liked, but I’ve learned that stuff doesn’t wear very well so I didn’t bother.

After shopping, we went to The Fifth and filled up on sandwiches. Yum. Much to the disappointment of Ralphie, I was so full last night, I coudn’t even eat a snack before I went to bed.


I put the labor in Labor Day weekend. I spent some time canning–my first of the season. I put up some red beets and salsa. I also made some yummy things for supper (including pizza in the pizza oven) and an apple galette. I did some things around the house, too, but I can’t even remember what at this point. I still have a bunch of things I’d like to do outside but that’s getting more difficult now that it’s getting dark earlier.

I had some (solo) fun, too. While I didn’t go to any of the local festivals, I did have a chiminea fire, watched a movie, watched some TV, started reading a new book, and worked on my Christmas sweater.


I’ve been rewatching some old favories and this one hit the spot. It’s never as good as the first time, but this held up really well. And it starred a young Brad Pitt (during his Gwyneth Paltrow phase–what’s with him dating his co-stars?!?)! Yes, the plot was pretty far-fetched, but still very engaging. Serial killers are never as clever or interesting in real life as they are in the movies, are they?

My rating: 4/5