Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

is it spring yet?

I ordered a bunch of gardening stuff over the weekend–the main thing being a “grow light” system so that I can start my own plants from seed. Now, I’m anxious to start planting! The seed catalogs usually start coming out after Christmas, so the planting season is closer than it appears. I’ll probably have to start planting stuff inside around February/March. I already have my garden plotted out for next year–how’s that for anal?

Yes, I am the Queen of Anal Retentiveness. What can I say, I like to plan. I got it from my mother. I used to think all of her planning was ridiculous, but I have far eclipsed any planning benchmarks she ever set. I mean, I even have a “to do” list for the house that has the year a change is planned for. I could go on and on with more examples, but I probably shouldn’t. That said, I should probably go and make another list or something.

time to play…name that illness!

Today, I feel kinda woozy, my nose is stuffy, and I have a sinus headache. I think I might have a minor sinus infection. Hopefully it will resolve on its own because I don’t like taking antibiotics. Antibiotics are the devil. Besides, my doctor won’t prescribe them without me having to go into the office and going into the doctor’s office is something I like to avoid at all costs during the flu season (particularly when I haven’t gotten a flu shot, like this year).


deja dead

aka CSI: Montreal

I finally finished reading Deja Dead this evening. It was written by an author named Kathy Reichs. I can’t say I really enjoyed it, though it’s probably because I’m not much into the whole crime scene investigation thing. This might be surprising to some, but is a fact nonetheless.

Since NYPD Blue is going off the air this year, I thought it might be a good idea to find another police drama to watch. CSI: NY seemed like a good choice (maybe we just picked it because it had NY in the title). Brian and I barely made it through one episode. It’s not that we were grossed out–just bored. Everyone else seems to like those CSI shows, but we just couldn’t get into them.

So, I guess it’s no surprise that I wasn’t into this book. My impetus for reading it was mainly to finish it so I could move onto something else. This should’ve been the tip-off…this was the author’s first work of fiction–her previous books were “focused on forensic anthropology and fossil humans.” Zzzzz.

On that note, I’m going to bed.


Another health update. If this keeps up, I’m going to have to change the name of the blog. How about “Name that illness?!?”

Well, Jake was sick again last night, so he had to stay home from daycare today. Rather than taking another sick day, I opted to work at home (normally I work in the office on Wednesdays and Fridays, and at home the other days). Jake seemed to feel ok today, so that’s good. Of course, he seemed to feel ok yesterday until he threw up all over the living room last night, so who can say? He kept himself busy by watching the tube most of the day. His eyes should be falling out any minute now. My mom’s watching him tomorrow and Brian’s off Friday, so hopefully this will give him a chance to recover before next week.

sardonic to the point of bitter*

When this phrase* was muttered on Three Sisters, I knew I found a character I could relate to. Three Sisters was a short lived (about one-and-a-half seasons) show on NBC a few years back. Not only did it deliver one of my all-time favorite lines, but it also had a profound influence on our lives–it was the impetus for the Sunday brunch that is now a staple at the house of Law.

The show wasn’t that great to begin with, but a sitcom’s a sitcom, and it did have its moments. The first season was much better than the second, so it’s no wonder the show ended up cancelled. In the second season, they tried to make the ‘bitter’ sister more likable, and the show went downhill from there. What’s wrong with bitter, I ask?

Just daydreaming about the time when there were sitcoms…