Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

another birthday dinner

My mom’s all about celebrating birthdays, so she had us over today and made a delicious dinner in order to properly celebrate Brian’s birthday. It was an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon. And, Brian didn’t have practice this evening so we didn’t have to rush home like we always do. So, I guess this concludes Brian’s Week-Long Birthday Celebration.

Jake was plum-tuckered out on the ride home and slept for most of it. Pappy always tires him out. It took him a bit to recover from his nap, but he seems rather chipper right now. I hope he goes to sleep tonight because I want check out the Saturday Night Live special that’s on at 9:00 (and not be interrupted every 5 minutes while I’m doing so).

out for drinks

Since Jake is staying at my parent’s, we decided to go out for a few drinks this evening. We went to the Johnstown Brewing Company. This turned out to be a good decision because we knew the barmaid and she gave us our first round of drinks for free (thanks Tiffany!). Anyway, it’s 11:00 and we’re already home. I guess you could call us pathetic. Or drunk. Those were some good drinks.

makin’ music

The past few days have been productive on the music front. Brian finally got around to writing the lyrics for (a)pathetic. And, he recorded them as well. I still need to write/record the guitar solo then it will be done. It will be the first solo for me, so it should be interesting. Worst case, Brian will have to write something on piano and I’ll just play it. That will wrap up our first rottenstone EP. We’re thinking of doing a cover song as a bonus track, but that shouldn’t take long, seeing that the song has already been written.

I managed to write and record the bass for the newest (and perhaps best) East of Eve song. This one went really quick for me. I’m getting better at figuring out Shawn’s guitar parts (general rule: always start with B). And I started tabbing out my stuff as I write it so that I don’t need to figure everything out every time I practice. I can’t believe it took me this long to come up with the idea. At any rate, either I’m improving on the bass or I’m becoming a Kip Winger clone. Either way, my work is done for now.

now that’s dedication

Jacob is staying at my parent’s tonight. I took him there this afternoon. On our way to their house, I saw a guy on a motorcycle on route 219. Just for the record, it’s about 20 degrees outside with a windchill near zero.

I have seen a lot of motorcycles out this winter, but this is the first one I’ve seen when there was snow on the ground. Granted, the roads are clear, but still.

Every time we’re in the car, Brian jokingly says, “Just think, if this were next year, we could be on the motorcycle right now.” Maybe he’s not kidding.

when bad things happen to good people

I was actually running early for work today for a change of pace. Then I went to dry my hair and my hair dryer wouldn’t turn on. I didn’t have a backup. Nor did I have so much extra time that I could run to the store to buy a new one. So, I fiddled around with it for 10 minutes and it still wouldn’t work. Luckily, since I was running early, my hair was almost dry by this point, so I messed with it a little and ran out the door. Of course, I was a few minutes late for work, as usual. I don’t know what the deal is because the hair dryer wasn’t that old–usually I get a few years out of them anyway. You can add ConAir to my boycott list.

I started on supper a bit ago. I went to grab some potatoes out of the pantry and the potatoes were rotten. Have you ever smelled a rotten potato? Ick! I always forget what they smell like until I smell them again. It’s definitely something you want to forget about. So, I pulled the bag out of the pantry and some of the potato rot spilled onto my jeans. Now I smell like rotten potatoes. I guess I could change my jeans, but it’s not like we’re getting company or anything. Hopefully the smell will dissipate sooner or later. Luckily, I had some backup potatoes on hand, so things are looking up.

Lizzy apparently found a drop or two of rotten potato juice on the floor because she started rolling around in it with reckless abandon. Apparently she’s going potato hunting later.