Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

revocation of cooking privileges

Jacob has karate Thursday nights at 6pm. 6pm also happens to be our usual suppertime. So, Brian has been cooking supper when he gets home from work on Thursdays. The past two weeks, however, the proverbial dinner hasn’t been on the table when Jacob and I arrived home from karate.

Last week, we discovered that Brian doesn’t know how to use the broiler. Who would have thought? Tonight, the excuse was that he “got out of work late” and “the roads were bad”. Likely excuses for someone who works in Bellwood and lives in Johnstown.

I don’t like to complain. Well, actually I do like to complain, but I try to keep it to a minimum when it comes to Brian. But my suppertime isn’t something you want to mess with. I lead a very structured life. Very. And, I have the lists to prove it. So, I guess Jacob and I will either be eating supper at 5pm or I will put something in the oven that will be ready at 7pm because eating supper at 7:15 or later puts a kink in my rigid schedule.

superbowl xxxix

Despite the fact that Terrell Owens was playing yesterday, I was rooting for the Eagles to win the Superbowl. It’s not so much that I dislike New England–I actually kind of like them (their players are classy and obviously, they are a great team)–but I couldn’t forgive them for beating Pittsburgh in the AFC Championship two weeks ago, so that’s why I was rooting for the “other” team from Pennsylvania.

Terrell Owens played a great game last night. I’m surprised that anyone could come back from such an injury that quickly. If Philly could’ve pulled out a win, he would’ve been partially responsible for it. McNabb left a little to be desired, though. He looked much like Roethlisberger did two weeks ago. You can’t have that many turnovers and expect to win a game against a team as good as New England.

It was a good game, though. I really thought it was going to be a blowout. I guess Philly is a better team than I gave them credit for. Given the lack of good teams in the NFC, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Philly in the Superbowl again next year. Maybe we’ll get that all-Pennsylvania Superbowl next year…

secret window

It’s a Movie Marathon weekend at the House of Law. We caught our second movie of the weekend last night (yes, two “adult” movies in one weekend constitutes a marathon for us). Secret Window was the flick. The movie was based off of a Stephen King story called Secret Window, Secret Garden. I read the story quite a few years ago, so I didn’t really remember the details of what it was about. Johnny Depp was cool, as always. I don’t know if the movie would’ve been as good had someone else played the main character. In conclusion, entertaining, but not memorable.

Suprisingly (to me) the Flick Filosopher kind of liked the movie.

the two jakes

Jacob had his first playdate yesterday at his friend Jake’s house. Everything went really well–Jacob even managed to behave himself (or so says Jake’s parents). The boys got along famously. All I know is that it was the fastest 2.5 hours of the week. I will be calling Jake’s mom this week to set up a playdate at our house. I have a feeling that this is going to become a regular thing as Jake’s mom was already discussing the fun they’d be able to have playing outside in the summer. Jacob was rather disappointed when Brian arrived to pick him up, but it sounds like he arrived just in time–both kids were exhausted. Brian had some stops to make on his way home and Jacob ended up sleeping in the car for 45 minutes.

lizzy and the ferocious beast

A few months ago, I mentioned that I was going to try to find a kennel closer to home to board our dogs when we go on vacation. We’re going on vacation in May, so I had to get on the proverbial stick today and call around. Here’s what I found out…basically all of the places in our area are your run of the mill kennels. They all cost about the same, too. All places would probably be equally good, but I absolutely know that the dogs are well taken care of at the Cozy Inn Pet Resort, so it looks like we’re sticking with them (assuming they are available the dates of our trip). Like Brian said, going there is annoying (because of the distance) and expensive–just like my dogs. It’s a match made in heaven, more or less.

I was rather disappointed with the racist comments made by the one place I called. They didn’t want to board Ripley because she is a doberman. Something about their temperament was the reason. All I can guess is that this person is still living in the 1970s when dobermans were overbred and overly aggressive. Who else could possibly say such things about my favorite dog breed? Hmm. Maybe I should’ve found a different picture for display…