Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

rockin’ with dokken

Somehow Dokken has been playing the soundtrack to my life. I realized the other week that when certain events happen, the appropriate Dokken song starts playing in my head. At first I thought that maybe I was responsible for this somehow, but then there was last night…

We started a new rule that Jacob isn’t allowed to come into our bed until either the sun or Brian is up. Well, last night, he sauntered in around 3AM. Brian made him go back to his own bed. Jake started crying and the song “Heartless Heart” started playing in my head. I kid you not. Being it was 3AM, I wasn’t exactly thinking “what Dokken song would be appropriate for this moment?” It just started up on its own. I think this may be some kind of disorder in need of possible psychiatric intervention.

The weird thing is that I was never a huge Dokken fan. I mean I liked them around 15-20 years ago, but they weren’t exactly one of my favorites. If anything, you’d think I’d be hearing Whitesnake songs in my head. If there was one band I listened to, to death, it was them. “Still of the Night” was on my mix tape for like 10 years! Yeah, 10 years. And I still like it. And any mention of Whitesnake to this day tickles me beyond all comprehension. They’ve had a running joke on Joey about Whitesnake and it just makes me like the show more.

But, enough about Whitesnake. If anyone has a cure for my Dokken issue, please send it my way.

calvin and hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes is my all-time favorite comic strip. And you can read ’em all right here.

new zealand marlborough pinot noir

The short guy and I mixed up another batch of wine this evening. I always like having two batches going at once. Bottling one batch of wine is a bit of work, but bottling two batches is surprisingly not twice the work, so that is my reason. Plus it’s always cool to add fifty-plus bottles of wine to the wine rack in one day.

I’m still waiting for my other three kits to arrive. One was supposed to come in January, but hasn’t been shipped to my supplier (Thomas Feed Mill) yet. The second is scheduled for March, and the third for April. And, I really, really think I’m going to mix up a batch of Strawberry-Zinfandel this summer. It isn’t definite, but if I manage to catch some strawberries on sale somewhere, I’m going to do it.

today’s health news

Is this the freakiest thing you’ve ever seen in your life or what?

And, I don’t know why I even read stuff like this. I should get a hypochondriac filter for my web browser. It would save me a lot of stress. Just remind me to get a flu shot next year. At least I’ve prepared myself for this by reading Stephen King’s The Stand about a half dozen times. The real question is–if you survive the pandemic, will you go to Boulder, CO or Las Vegas, NV?