Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


Yeah, Brian doesn’t either. You’d think with all of the motorcycle! motorcycle! motorcycle! he’s had on his brain the past 6 months, he would have remembered to sign up for his motorcycle safety course on Tuesday. I mean, he was even talking about it on Monday and spent a good chunk of last weekend reading the motorcycle safety handbook. Luckily, his friend John was also signing up for the course, so he called here Tuesday morning to see what class Brian got into.

Since Brian hadn’t mentioned anything to me about the course, I presumed (correctly) that he had forgotten to sign up for it. So, I IM’ed him and that was indeed the case. By the time he logged on, the first course was full, so he had to sign up for the second one (which John is also in). Doesn’t really matter, I guess, though the first course would’ve been slightly more convenient. However, if John wouldn’t have called, I wonder if any courses would have been left by the time Brian got around to signing up.

It just goes to show, it’s not just the stuff I ask him to do that he can’t remember. I mean, if he can’t remember to do something related to his motorcycle, what else is there?

happy march

Well, here it is, the first day of March, and we’re in the midst of the biggest snow storm of the winter. To tell you the truth, it doesn’t really bother me. And, I wouldn’t be surprised if we had one or two more of these before the end of the month. It’s hard to be bothered by snow in March. Especially when your daily commute to work normally involves walking up 14 steps inside your house. Plus, I’m scheduled to start planting stuff for my garden (indoors) this coming weekend, so I know spring is right around the corner.

Brian got screwed yesterday. Because all of the weather forecasts were calling for major snow yesterday, on Sunday night he decided that he was going to work at home on Monday. So, of course, we hardly got any snow yesterday, but today wasn’t so good weather-wise. At least he made it in to work OK and on-time.

Think spring!

see how they run

formerly published as The Jericho Commandment

I just finished this book a few moments ago. This was a very early effort from James Patterson. I didn’t like it as much as I like his current books, but it apparently held my attention well enough as it took me less than a week to read.

This book was about this group of Jews who wanted to avenge the Holocaust. At first their attempt was disguised as a Nazi uprising, but then it turned into a “Jews as terrorists” thing. Not a very believable premise.

The thing I like about James Patterson novels is how short the chapters are. That is one thing that apparently hasn’t changed over the years. I think that’s why I read his books so quickly–if I have two minutes to spare and want to read a chapter, no problem! Whereas another author’s chapter might take 20 minutes to read, so there’s no sense in getting involved if you don’t have the time.

The thing I don’t like about James Patterson novels is the titles of them. Most of them are taken from nursery rhymes and have no apparent tie-in to the plot of the book. So, I can never remember what any of his books are about, given the title, and therefore I can’t ever remember which ones I have read versus which ones I have not.

kill bill vol. 2

Another movie and a Margarita night was had last night. The flick was Kill Bill Vol. 2. I found it about as enjoyable as the first one. I liked Vol. 2 more, but Brian liked Vol. 1 best (not enough blood in this one, I guess). I just hope they don’t teach Jake how to pluck out someone’s eyeball or the “five point palm exploding heart technique” at karate. That could be dangerous.

I think the Flick Filosopher hated this one even more than the first. Her review was pretty entertaining, though.