Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

60s and sunny

That was the weather today. In Johnstown, of all places. Yes, I’m referring to Johnstown, Pennsylvania. You might want to hold onto your (winter) hats, though. Starting tomorrow, and continuing for the next few weeks, we’re going to have some winter-like weather in the region (whoa–for a minute there I think I was channelling Jay Panic and the Accu-never forecast). You know, cold, snowy and all that. But the good news is that January is nearly half over so just how bad can the rest of the winter be? I mean, I think it’s only snowed once so far. So, even if we have snow on the ground through April, this winter would be better than most. Alleluia.

marbled chocolate banana bread

I’ve always been skeptical of people who eat things like ‘banana bread’, ‘zucchini bread’, and ‘carrot cake’. I mean, why are they eating these things? Do they think they’re healthy because they have fruit/vegetables in them or what? It sure can’t be for the taste. I mean, if you want dessert, eat a piece of chocolate cake or something. Really. I guess I can understand the banana thing. I just don’t care for bananas in recipes that much so I was never a fan. That is, until I found this recipe. As it turns out, if you add some chocolate to your banana bread, it is quite tasty. Who’d have thought it?

exercise! exercise! each and every day

Looks like Brian and I are back on the exercise bandwagon. We started strength training again this evening. I call it ‘strength training’ rather than ‘lifting weights’ because we have one of those fancy Nordic Flex Gold machines, so we’re not really lifting anything–we’re just moving the pulleys, really.

Strength training is something we’ve done off and on since we moved into our house and bought the machine. Usually, we end up stopping exercising in the summer because there’s just too much going on and a lot of it is sort of like exercise–like gardening, landscaping, working on the house, chasing after Jake, etc. Well, it’s enough like exercise such that I don’t feel bad about not exercising in the summer. Last year, we had the shed to keep us in shape. Once it was done, we were supposed to start exercising again in October. October became November. November became December. And then it was the New Year. I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions, but I thought it was about time that we got back into our routine. I mean, it’s going to be summer before you know it.

what’s your score?

Place the state

I scored 98% with an average error of two miles with a time of 380 seconds. Not bad for someone who can’t find Main Street in Johnstown, eh?

chiefs game

Brian, Jacob, and I went to a Chiefs game with the Shaffer clan this afternoon. The Chiefs beat the Reading Royals 4-1, so that was good. Not enough fights in today’s game, though. There were a few minor skirmishes, but no blood was shed.

It was a nice way to spend the afternoon. And, as a bonus, Brian doesn’t have practice this evening.

The three kids ate and ate and ate during the game. It is such a pleasure to take Jake somewhere and he is completely entertained the whole time (thanks to Johnny and Katie for that). I guess that’s why people have multiple kids–so that their first kid has someone to play with. Not a good enough argument for me, but I won’t object to using other people’s children to entertain my child.