Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

home depot

We took a trip to Home Depot on Sunday in order to pick up some stuff for an upcoming project. Remember how we built that shed last year and then filled it up with cherry lumber? Well, we need to build a rack to hold the lumber so that Brian’s motorcycle! motorcycle! motorcycle! has a home. Granted, the bike’s not scheduled for delivery until April or May, but there’s no sense in waiting until the last minute, either.

It’s going to be a busy spring, summer, and fall. I have quite a few projects planned for this year. Stay tuned for updates…

the playdate

Today, we hosted our first playdate. Jacob’s friend, Jake came over to play this afternoon. The boys had a great time and everything went smoothly. Jacob was disappointed when Jake’s dad arrived to pick him up. But, like Brian said, any time before 11pm probably would’ve been too early for the boys.

We put the dogs in the family room because who really wants to have to deal with two little boys and two dogs running around? (Especially since I still have a migraine today.) The girls did well down there (having some rawhide to chew on didn’t hurt things). I took the first shift of watching the kids, so Brian went to the shop for a little while to work on the end table he’s been building. While Brian watched the kids, I planted a few seeds for my garden (indoors). By few, I mean 48 plants. I’m not sure if I’m going to have enough room to plant everything indoors this year–I’ll have to figure something out regarding that for sure. I mostly planted herbs today because I’m putting in a bigger herb garden this year. The good thing is that I won’t need to replant most of these herbs next year because a lot of them are perennials. I also planted some broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

Anyway, the bad thing about this playdate stuff is that Jacob wants to have everyone from daycare over at some point. I don’t know if I’ll ever be up for that…

nypd blue

The last episode of NYPD Blue aired last Tuesday. We had to tape it and watch it Wednesday night because I had to go into work 30 minutes early Wednesday and I didn’t want to chance things by staying up late Tuesday night. I thought the final episode was a great ending to the series. It was pretty much like any other episode, but you did manage to get some closure from it. I’m sure going to miss Andy Sipowicz. I’ve been watching the show since its inception 12 years ago. I converted Brian over once we started dating. The show has seen me through over 1/3 of my life. I’ve lived in four different places since it’s been on. I was single, then married, then a mom. A lot of things have happened in the past 12 years.

I guess all good things must come to an end.

50 first dates

Last night was a migraine and a movie night, so no Margaritas were had. Better luck next time. The movie was 50 First Dates. We caught it on HBO. In comparison to Along Came Polly, this movie was a masterpiece. We both thought it was really funny. My favorite scene was when Drew Barrymore beat Rob Schneider with the baseball bat–it was hilarious. Any movie that makes me laugh till I cry gets a thumbs up from me.

The Flick Filosopher did not review this movie. Apparently she thinks that “Life is too short to watch Adam Sandler movies.” Sheesh. I have to admit, I’ve never been a huge Adam Sandler fan, but a lot of his movies are quite funny.

along came polly

Brian and I watched this movie last night. I have to say I was a bit disappointed. I thought it was going to be half-decent, but it really wasn’t all that funny. The best parts involved Hank Azaria’s character, Claude. I never knew he was so buff (and he looks pretty cool with longish hair as well). Other than that, there’s not much to say.

The Flick Filosopher agreed.