Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


What’s your type?

I am:

Introverted (I) 77.42% Extroverted (E) 22.58%
Sensing (S) 65.79% Intuitive (N) 34.21%
Thinking (T) 67.65% Feeling (F) 32.35%
Judging (J) 78.13% Perceiving (P) 21.88%

My type is:

ISTJ – “Trustee”. Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population.




I can’t believe the Steelers pulled out a win this evening. Their defense played great, but the offense wasn’t so hot. Well, I guess the rushing game was pretty good, but the passing game wasn’t at all impressive. And there were just too many turnovers at key moments of the game. They’re going to have to play a lot better next week if they plan on beating New England or Indianapolis.

But, what an exciting finish. The Jets missed two field goals the last few minutes of the game and this resulted in OT. Of course, they won the toss, so they could’ve easily won the game, but the Steelers got the ball back and pounded it down the field and won the game with a field goal.

There were two good things about today’s game: 1. it wasn’t boring and 2. the Steelers won. That’s about all you can say about it.

bassist for hire

Last night, unadulterated by alcohol, I recorded the bass line for one of the two East of Eve songs requiring my attention. I had enough problems playing this one sober, so I decided to forgo my usual recording drink. It came out pretty good if I do say so myself. There was this one part I kept screwing up, but thanks to technology, I was able to re-record the goofs and it all sounds good now.

Playing bass is kind of fun especially when I’m playing along with something a little more difficult (i.e. Shawn’s guitar parts). Of course, the first day I try to figure out any of his stuff I end up frustrated and am ready to give up music altogether. But, normally by the third day I have things figured out for the most part. Brian has learned to stay out of the room on the first day I’m working on a new song, lest I bite his head off.

caught up on shit

And I mean that quite literally…

My dogs go to the bathroom in the yard. I normally clean up after them every couple of days. In the winter, this usually isn’t possible because the snow covers up the deed before I get a chance to clean it up. I suppose I could go out there each time they go out to do their business and clean up after them. But, despite all of the torment it causes me, I’m not quite that motivated.

Normally, I find myself outside at the first thaw of the season (that’d be in February or March) chipping dog shit from the ice like an archaeologist excavating through strata on a dig. It doesn’t help that the area that our dogs do their business in is in the coldest spot in all of Upper Yoder–our entire yard can be thawed, yet that one spot is still frozen like a hockey rink. And, as you may recall from the days when there was hockey, a hockey rink is composed of ice. So I’m out there skating in my shoes, a shovel in one hand, a pooper scooper in the other. It is quite a sight. It normally takes me a few weeks until I gain the upper hand on the situation.

Needless to say, this winter’s weather has allowed me to avoid my usual winter woes. I mean I’m already two months ahead (given that the snow usually starts to fall in November), so you cannot imagine how happy this makes me. You know what they say, it’s the little things in life that count.