Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the project is underway

Jake spent the day with Pappy Law and Brian and I started working on the playhouse. We didn’t get as much done as I had hoped we would, but I think we’ll see some real progress tomorrow. Things always take longer than you think. Brian spent most of the day digging out part of our yard (most of which ended up in the hedges. if our neighbors ever take the hedges out, they’re going to be royally pissed at the mess we’ve made) so that we’d have a level place to put the playhouse. We didn’t even start assembling anything until right before supper.

We are going to have to haul some ass if we’re going to get this done before May 13. So, don’t bother me for the next 4 weeks. I’m gonna be busy.

vacation in april

I took a vacation day today. Last month, I ordered some plants from the Cambria County Conservation District (or some such organization). Today was pick-up day. So, I decided to take the day off. And, what a day it was. I didn’t quite accomplish everything I wanted to, but I got enough done to make the day worthwhile.

Jake was off, too. We both slept in until 9:30. This is rather unusual for him on a weekday, but I’ll take it. I had planned on getting an earlier start, but sleep is good, too. After we ate breakfast and got ready, we were off to Ebensburg to pick up our plants. I got some Black-Eyed Susans to plant behind the shed and two blueberry bushes. We also had to stop at the recycling center in Ebensburg to drop off a broken tv for their electronics recycling program.

When we got home, it was time for lunch. After we ate, we went outside and planted the flowers. I didn’t plant the blueberry bushes because I can’t decide on where to put them. I really like fruit trees, but blueberries are the only types the fruit Nazi–uh, Brian–will allow. Something about cutting grass around a bunch of rotting apples is his excuse.

By this point, it was time to make supper and go to karate. After karate and supper, I did some household chores and downed two Cuba Libres. Life is good.


This evening, I got as close as I’ll ever get to aerobic exercise–I tried out our new reel mower on the lawn. I have to say, it did a nice job. However, there are a few distinct disadvantages it has versus a gas-powered mower:
1. it only cuts on the forward stroke
2. forget about pushing it uphill
3. it takes twice as long
4. cutting moderately high grass is a real chore

I was really curious to see how it was going to work. Thank goodness I got that out of my system.

roses are red

I just completed another book in my James Patterson marathon. This one was in the ‘Alex Cross’ series–my favorite. This is the same series that the Kiss the Girls and Along Came a Spider movies came from. I have not seen these movies, but I’ve always found it odd that they had Morgan Freeman playing Alex Cross. When I’m reading these stories, I can’t picture anyone but his hotness, Denzel Washington, in the part. Particularly since the character is in his 40s. I can’t see how they could possibly have Morgan Freeman playing the part since Alex has two young children. I mean, Morgan Freeman is older than God (and has played Him well in one or two other movies). Perhaps they rewrote the part to work around his age. I guess I’ll find out if I ever watch them.

I really liked this book. Unfortunately, I have not read the Alex Cross books in order. So, when they introduced one of the characters, I said to myself, “wasn’t this the bad guy in the last novel I read?”. Turns out I was right, but it didn’t take away from the book at all.

A highly recommended read.