Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


I did it! I got my 100 volunteer hours in as of today! Just in time, too, with the bad weather right around the corner. I will, of course, continue to volunteer through the winter as long as the weather allows. But, I’m glad I accomplished my self-imposed goal so early. 100 seems like a good number to shoot for in general, so I hope to do the same next year.


Like everyone else, I watched the Dahmer limited series on Netflix and agree that it was pretty horrifying. And, sure, they took some artistic liberties, but it wasn’t meant to be a documentary. But I did learn about the racism angle that enabled him to continue to murder people, which I didn’t remember hearing about before, though it has been a long time.

My rating: 4/5

the painting

I’m trying to get the main living areas (living room, dining room, foyer, and hall) painted before the end of the year, so I started on that this weekend. I did the dining room, foyer, and hall ceilings. Ceilings are the worst! Anyway, I’m hoping to have those three areas done by Thanksgiving and the living room by Christmas. Pretty much the whole house needs repainted, so this is going to be my winter project for probably the next few years.

joe satriani

Jake and I went to see Joe Satriani at The Palace Theatre last night. While I haven’t listened to him for quite a while, I was very into his music in the 90s. Luckily for me, he played a bunch of older stuff in addition to his new stuff. Anyway, he was very good. I can’t imagine having to play like that for 2+ hours (he was basically soloing the whole time).


Jake and I have been overpaying for cell service for a very long time. While we each had unlimited data, I hardly use any data, and he maxed out at around 15GB, so we were paying for service that we weren’t using. Unfortunately, AT&T didn’t have any cheaper options other than pre-pay and we couldn’t keep our numbers if we switched to that. So, we ended up switching to Mint Mobile last week. So far, so good. I’m on their cheapest plan, which is only $15/month (plus fees)! Jake’s trying the 15GB plan to see if it’s enough. They also have unlimited, so he can always upgrade to that. I guess their coverage isn’t as good as AT&T and they run on the T-Mobile network, so there’s always the risk of being de-prioritized for their customers, but 90% of the time I use my phone I’m either at the house or office, so I haven’t noticed any issues. What I’m saying is that it may not be good for some people, but it works for me.