Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

triple r.u.b.*

Brian logged a few miles on his bike this weekend. Yesterday, he and his friend John were supposed to go for a long ride, but John had to cancel because he was sick. I suggested that he contact one of my co-workers, Jeff, who got a bike a year ago, but he wasn’t able to get in touch with him. Brian decided to head out anyway and went out for a nice, long ride. Here is a picture from his journey. It was taken somewhere near Shawnee State Park.

Brian heard from both Jeff and John yesterday and the three of them decided to head out for another long ride today (I’m such a tolerant wife). They basically went to the same place Brian went yesterday, but they took a different route. The three of them (can this be considered a gang?) took off from our house. Jacob and I saw them off, jealous that we had to stay home all afternoon while the guys were out having fun on their bikes.

*rich urban biker


Judy came over for a cookout this evening. Well, seeing that a storm blew in minutes after she arrived, it was more of a cook-in. At any rate, it was an enjoyable evening. We don’t get to hang out any where near as much as we used to. I guess this can be chalked up to a number of factors, but it is always nice to get together and b.s. all evening. We had one of my favorite recipes, chicken soft tacos with the works and Margaritas (of course–it is Friday, you know?). Good food, good drinks, good company–what more could you ask for on a Friday evening?


Each of the past three years, my parents have bought Brian and I play tickets for the Mountain Playhouse for our anniversary gift. We went there last night to see “Incorruptible”. It was a farce about a bunch of monks that go to extreme lengths to further the works of their church. The first half of the play was kind of slow, but the second half was pretty funny. Going to plays isn’t something I’d want to do on a regular basis, but catching one per year allows me to refill my “culture” meter every summer.

the in-laws

I had planned on doing some much-needed yard work this evening but the rain put a damper on my plans (it’s amazing just how much yard work is required to keep things looking good). So, I decided to iron some clothes and watch the tube instead. HBO was showing The In-Laws tonight, so I watched it. It’s not like there’s anything else on TV. The movie was about an undercover CIA agent (Michael Douglas) who was in the middle of an operation during his son’s wedding. He, of course, gets everyone in both families involved in the situation. The movie was OK, but it’s certainly not something I’d watch again. But, it certainly filled the void this evening.

fourth of july

We started off the holiday weekend with a party at our friend Lish’s house on Sunday. Jacob had a blast because there were a bunch of kids for him to play with there. That night, we came home and took the pups for a walk. Once it got dark, we had a fire in the chiminea and watched everyone’s fireworks while Jake played with his sparklers.

On the 4th, we didn’t do much. Jake went to my parent’s in the morning and came home around supper. While he was gone, Brian and I got caught up on our work around the house. Then, the three of us had a little cookout for supper. Last night, we were hoping to catch the fireworks that were going on downtown, but they couldn’t be seen from our place. And there weren’t as many fireworks going off yesterday as Sunday so we didn’t catch too many (much to Jacob’s chagrin).