Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

flight 93 national memorial

I visited the memorial yesterday. I was there once before when it first opened, but it was pretty much just a field at that point. I was quite impressed with what they did. Though I was disappointed that I didn’t get to hear the chimes from the Tower of Voices as it wasn’t windy enough, so I’ll probably visit again in the future.

this is us

What am I going to do without my daily dose of drama from the Pearsons? This was a really great show! I loved how they did the flashbacks (and flash forwards) and the casting of the characters at different ages was impeccable–as was the makeup they did on the main characters to age them. I can’t even imagine how complicated this was to write–did they come up with the whole storyline from start to end or did they just make things up as they went along (including the supporting flashbacks)? Who knows! Plus, parts of the story were set in Pittsburgh. How cool is that?

My rating: 4/5

scott miller

I saw this guy play at The Oilhouse last night. The show was produced by one of my coworkers, so I wasn’t about to miss it. It was a solo gig–just him and a guitar (and the occasional harmonica or kazoo). Having seen the show, I’m still not sure of the genre (the internet’s telling me roots rock or alternative country–whatever that means). Nevertheless, it was fun. Unfortunately, it’s the last show they have scheduled at the park for the year. I hope something else comes up, though–they did shows into November last year.

the conjuring: the devil made me do it

I watched the third movie in this series Friday night. These are all based on “true” stories if you believe in that sort of nonsense. In either case, I did like the movie–maybe not as much as the previous ones–but I was still entertained.

My rating: 3/5

Edit: I forgot to mention the scene that featured Blondie’s excellent song, “Call Me”. It was definitely the best scene of the movie and made the movie worth watching just to see it.


This was a pretty good movie. The story was very reminiscent of the Amanda Knox headlines from a few years ago. I just Googled it and it was indeed the inspiration for the movie.

My rating: 3.5/5