Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

friday night

Yesterday evening, Brian’s parents came over for a cookout. We had some good stuff to eat and then chatted and drank wine and beer the rest of the evening. Brian’s dad made some delicious Italian sausage-stuffed hot peppers for the occasion–I’ll have to get the recipe from him some day. These went well with dinner, which consisted of the following: BBQ boneless pork chops, three bean dish, a mesclun and romaine salad, thyme potatoes, and a yellow cake with chocolate icing.

Jake and Pappy Law played their version of “Calvin Ball” most of the evening. This involved most of the items on the porch, a few hockey sticks, and a big plastic puck. Interesting.

six feet under

Only three episodes left in my current favorite television show. After the uninteresting 3rd and mostly uninteresting 4th seasons, I didn’t think I’d be sad to see the show end. But, they’ve really picked up the pace of the plot and this season has my undivided attention–not quite to the point that seasons 1 and 2 did, but it’s not over yet…

I will definitely miss it once it’s over. I might have to watch the first and second seasons again. Historically, HBO will likely run all 5 seasons in a row sometime soon. I don’t know that I could sit through seasons 3 and 4 again. Maybe 4, but definitely not 3. We’ll have to see. It’s not like there’s much else on tv these days. I can only hope that HBO’s newest series, Rome, will help fill the void. The Comeback definitely did not make the cut at our house. That show was supposed to be funny (I think), but it was just painful to watch. Still, I would’ve watched the whole season, but I was sick of hearing Brian complain about it the entire time it was on, so I gave it up for reruns of Family Guy (which is definitely hilarious).

I used to look forward to the new television schedule in the fall, but not any more. Now, I just look forward to my HBO favorites. Lucky for me, HBO runs new programming all year round, so there’s bound to be something good on at any given point. HBO: whatever the cost, it’s worth the money.

better than a rain dance

This weekend, Brian and I had a wedding to go to, so Jake stayed at my parent’s house. We thought this might be a good opportunity to catch a few rides on the motorcycle since the weather was supposed to be excellent all weekend. Excellent.

We planned on going for a short ride on Saturday night and a long ride on Sunday afternoon. We ducked out of the wedding early so we could go riding while it was still light. On the way home, I commented on how it was getting darker earlier these days. Of course, I didn’t think it was getting dark quite that early (8pm) yet. Shortly after, it started raining a little. The little bit of rain then turned into a downpour that lasted over an hour and a half. Around 9:45, Brian decided that he still wanted to go out (probably just to prove that he didn’t forgo alcohol all day for nothing). We weren’t out for long and it started to rain a little again. And things were just too wet in general, so we returned home rather quickly. He’s in the kitchen right now making vodka on the rocks with a twist of lemon. Didn’t take long to start drinking, eh?

So, the general theme seems to be if I’m riding or plan to go riding, you can expect rain. So, don’t make any outside plans for tomorrow at 1pm.

charlie and the chocolate factory

Brian, Jacob, and I went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night. This was, of course, a remake of the classic, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The movie was pretty cool. It was definitely weird like the original, but in a different way. There were quite a few differences in the plot, as well. I was curious to read the story that inspired the movie after watching the original, now I definitely am going to buy the book. I’ve been on the Johnny Depp bandwagon as of late. As always, he was excellent. His Willy Wonka character reminded me of Michael Jackson, though it supposedly wasn’t based off of him (but, he was child-like, wore gloves, had a weird haircut, wore weird clothes, and liked to have little kids over to the factory. hmmm.) Tim Burton is a hell of a director, too. His movies are always fantastic and so imaginative. All in all, a good flick if you ask me.