This is the new album from Clutch. If you haven’t bought it yet, do so NOW! Brian acquired this cd about a month ago and I’ve been listening to it nonstop ever since. The music is pretty cool, but the best thing about this band is the lyrics (but there are a number of wicked licks on there as well). There are so many archaic references in them that it’s hard to keep up. Luckily for us, Clutch provides urls for many of the items found in the lyrics so that you can find out just what they are. I knew we had a winner when Jake started singing along on our way home from Home Depot this afternoon. I guess I’m going to have to check out some of their back catalog now.
bathroom remodel: day 9
As promised, not much was accomplished today. I did some caulking and put another coat of primer in the toilet area. Brian intended on doing some electrical work after the Steeler game, but since it wasn’t over till kind of late, it didn’t happen. Of course had we known what the outcome of the game was going to be, we could’ve gotten all kinds of work done today.
bathroom remodel: day 8
Yesterday, while I was wetting the curing grout, I noticed that there were not one, not two, but three baseboard tiles that had hairline cracks in them. I don’t know how I missed that when I was installing them. But, those tiles had to come out. That ended up being the day’s “unplanned activity”. I thought their removal was going to be a royal pain in the ass, but it wasn’t too bad. The only problem is that I don’t have any more grout, so a trip to Home Depot is in order for tomorrow.
Now onto today’s regularly scheduled items: I primed part of the wall (the toilet area). Brian made a new access panel for the plumbing area, which enabled me to get Jacob’s room back in order. Brian also did some electrical work. Well, it was more like electrical planning. We ran one line, but didn’t hook anything up to it. After opening the switchplate cover that is currently in the bathroom, he took one look at it and decided to call in the big guns–his dad. So, Ed stopped by this evening and told Brian what needs to be done. Basically, what is currently there is crap. But, that’s ok because we were going to redo it anyway.
Tomorrow’s going to be a wash. After church and brunch, Brian has band practice. After that, the Steeler game is on (and this one is definitely going to be one to watch). With any luck, we’ll get an hour of work in. I guess that’s better than nothing.
tickle me pink
The Joey show on NBC had yet another Whitesnake reference last night (I believe this is the 3rd one). This one was more subtle than the others–the one guy on the show was wearing a Whitesnake t-shirt. And, it happened to be one of the same shirts I used to own. Of all the running jokes to have, I’m really enjoying this one. I wonder if David Coverdale is paying them for all of this press? If not, he should be.
bathroom remodel: day 7
Today was grouting day. To add insult to injury, I started to grout and found a loose tile. And then another. And then another. All in all there were six loose tiles. Luckily we had some liquid nails for tile on hand and I was able to reset the tiles. However, now I’m wondering how many more are going to pop up and just why this happened? I mean, this is the 5th room we’ve tiled in our house and we’ve never had this problem before. All I can figure is that I spread the mortar too far and it started to dry before I laid the tile. I can only hope this is the case because then all of the tiles won’t be affected. All of the tiles that are going to be under the vanity were in perfect shape, of course.
The good news is that we’re running out of potential disasters for the project. The other good news is that the satisfaction I get from a finished tile floor, I may get to experience again and again if any other tiles decide to pop up.