Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

holiday preparations

I’m almost ready for Christmas. Jake wanted to make some cookies this year, so we baked a couple batches this week instead of doing our usual chocolate covered pretzels. But, it left me wanting more, so I’m going to do another batch or two of cookies in the next couple days. I have one more batch of dog treats to make and those are getting done tonight. It’s been a few years, but I made some limoncello for gifts, too.

The tree has been up since the beginning of the month, but we didn’t decorate outside this year–the weather never cooperated whenever we had time. Since Jake most likely won’t be around next year, I need to rethink my outside decorating strategy to make things a little easier to do. And, of course, my cards went out earlier this month. I did forget to do photos of the pets until it was too late. Next year, I’m going to have to do them in the summer and not make them Christmas-themed.

I took the afternoon off today and wrapped presents after work and went grocery shopping after supper so I’m all set for Christmas Eve.

Everything is under control.

sharp objects

Another good one from the author of Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn. It was a super quick read and will keep you guessing until the very end.

My rating: 4/5

bullet train

Finally, a new movie. This was available on streaming, so I didn’t have to wait for it. While entertaining, it didn’t have much going on the cerebral department. Had Brad Pitt not been in it, I doubt I would have watched. But if action/comedy is your thing, you’ll probably like it.

My rating: 3/5

lost highway

This movie wasn’t as good as I remembered. It must have been the ambiance that got me the first time. We used to go to First Fridays at the Westwood Plaza Theatre, where they’d show an atypical movie and have a band play afterwards. Plus, you could take booze. Those were the days–it was a lot of fun!

We saw this movie at a First Friday. And, I can’t remember, but Brian’s band (including me) might have played afterward. They played at one of them, and this seems like an appropriate movie, but it could have been something else–Scream, maybe? It was such a long time ago…

Anyway, I think I’ve had my fill of David Lynch, though I am still planning on rewatching Mullholland Drive at some point.

I’ve been rewatching a lot of old stuff lately and was hoping to catch something new, but nothing in my DVD queue was available. So, here we are.

My rating: 3/5 (for the memories)

the ballad of songbirds and snakes

I’m on an entertainment roll lately. Apparently all I do is watch tv and movies and read books. And, that’s not too far from the truth.

This book took me forever to read, but once I started nearing the two month mark, I made an effort to finish it. I’m a little past the Hunger Games at this point, which was part of the problem. The story was interesting, so I’m not sure why it took me so long. It was about Coriolanus Snow when he was high school age. I guess you could say that it showed how he became the person he was in the rest of the series. But, his personality kind of took a convenient abrupt turn at the end of the book.

My rating: 3.5/5