Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the devil’s rejects

I was holding out to watch this movie until we got to see it’s prequel, House of 1000 Corpses, but things didn’t work out. For whatever reason, it’s been on backorder at Blockbuster Online for the past few weeks. Perhaps it has a new popularity due to the recent DVD release of The Devil’s Rejects. That said, we watched The Devil’s Rejects last night. The plot was not so complex that we couldn’t figure things out seeing the movies out of order.

I’m not a slasher film buff by any means, but I like Rob Zombie and this movie got good reviews, so I figured what the heck? After the initial nausea passed, I began to enjoy the film. There were a couple of funny things in the movie where we both laughed out loud. This is more than I can say about some recent comedies we’ve watched (Office Space comes to mind).

I hate to nitpick, but the flimsy body armor the clan had on at the beginning of the movie hardly seems like it would deflect a gunshot. It just wasn’t realistic. But, like Brian pointed out, a family of serial killers isn’t all that realistic, either. Right. But apparently I can get past one unrealistic point for the sake of a story, but not two. Other than that, I don’t have any problems with the plot.

The soundtrack was rather interesting–all classic rock from the 70s. You would not think this would work for a movie of this genre, yet somehow it worked perfectly. I could’ve done without hearing Freebird at the end, though. In fact, I could go my whole life and not listen to Freebird again and I would be a happier person for it. Freebird! Skynyrd! Yeah–heard that enough times.

the interpreter

Last night, Brian and I caught this one while drinking Margaritas (of course). Sean Penn and Nicole Kidman starred in the movie, so you know it had to be good. And good it was–full of political intrigue and whatnot. The movie really held my interest throughout. It was a story about an interpreter (Kidman) at the U.N. who overhears an assassination plot for an African leader who will be speaking at the U.N. It took a lot of twists and turns and we find out that Kidman has ties to the country in question, which further complicates the plot. Penn played a member of the Secret Service who was assigned to the case. His acting is always good, and this movie was no exception, but his part wasn’t all that interesting. Still, a pretty good movie.

riding the bullet

Brian and I watched this movie last night (it was a lender from one of his friends). It was based on the eBook (by Stephen King) of the same name. I vaguely remember reading the eBook a few years ago. I did not enjoy the format (that much I do remember). Anyway, the original story was ok and the movie followed it pretty well from what I can recall. A lot of the story was the internal dialog of the main character. It was interesting how they pulled this off in the movie–they had two versions of the actor in those scenes and the “extra” character would talk to the main character. This movie also cemented the fact that David Arquette is a horrible actor. Luckily, he was not the main character, but he had the second largest role in the film. Still, it was probably the best thing on TV last night.

thanksgiving 2005

Today was a rather subdued day for a holiday. My parents, brother, and grandmother were all supposed to come over for dinner, but my grandmother couldn’t make it due to the weather and my brother got called out to work. He eventually made it here, though, so that was cool.

We spent the past few days cleaning up the house and I spent all morning cooking. I was hoping to do the turkey breasts on the grill this year, but due to the major snowstorm we got yesterday and today, it didn’t seem like a good time to do so. The food turned out well. We had your standard holiday fare. Brian’s all bummed out because we all but ran out of gravy, so I will have to make some more tomorrow from some chicken broth. It won’t be as good as the stuff we had today, but I guess it will have to do. That’s as close as I will get to cooking tomorrow. Time for a well-deserved day off. We’re both off work tomorrow, so that will be nice. Jake’s time off continues through Monday for the official Pennsylvania holiday of the First Day of Deer Hunting.