Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

bathroom remodel: day 39

This afternoon, Brian installed our new ceiling. I helped a little, mostly, by handing him things. The ceiling is from Armstrong’s WoodHaven series (laminate ceiling planks) and looks like maple. The job went pretty well and looks awesome. Cross another one off the list. The nice thing about completing this is that now we can put all of our wall stuff up, like the poster we’re hanging above the toilet, magazine rack, towel racks, etc. So, it should start to look more like a finished bathroom very soon. The only major thing that is left is to install the vanity and I’m planning on doing the finishing work on that this week.

Is that a light at the end of the tunnel?

mr. & mrs. smith

This was a movie with something for everyone. Namely, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. If you don’t find one or both of them attractive, it’s time to make an appointment with your eye doctor. The movie was about a pair of assassins who were married (neither of them knowing what the other one actually did for a living). Things came to a head when they were supposed to assassinate each other. They prevailed in the end, of course. The movie was OK–a perfect “date” movie, if you will (or the married person’s equivalent–Margarita and a movie night). Definitely nothing to ponder the next day. After all the hype, I thought it was going to be better, but it was entertaining enough.

putting the x in xmas

Yesterday, when I was getting the Christmas decorations out of the attic, I got out one of our nativity sets. Jake, seeing the picture on the box, said, “What are you getting that Jesus stuff out for? That doesn’t have anything to do with Christmas.”

I guess we shouldn’t have skipped church yesterday…

doberman banned?

Here’s a solution. I’ll have to keep this in mind for down the road when we get another dobie. You never know what laws our township will pass till then.

It’s funny every time.

christmas decorating

Brian went to the Steeler game today (which was almost a good game). This left Jake and I at home to fend for ourselves. I had wanted to go to the Westwood Plaza Theatre and Cafe for lunch and a movie, but they weren’t open this afternoon for some reason. So, instead, we put out the Christmas decorations this afternoon–everything but the tree.

We also played many board games and, of course, watched the football game. I did other fun things like clean the bathroom and kitchen. Now, we’re just sitting around waiting for Brian to get home. Jake just threw in a videotape, so hopefully this will buy me some time to do some things for myself.