Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

doberman banned?

Here’s a solution. I’ll have to keep this in mind for down the road when we get another dobie. You never know what laws our township will pass till then.

It’s funny every time.

christmas decorating

Brian went to the Steeler game today (which was almost a good game). This left Jake and I at home to fend for ourselves. I had wanted to go to the Westwood Plaza Theatre and Cafe for lunch and a movie, but they weren’t open this afternoon for some reason. So, instead, we put out the Christmas decorations this afternoon–everything but the tree.

We also played many board games and, of course, watched the football game. I did other fun things like clean the bathroom and kitchen. Now, we’re just sitting around waiting for Brian to get home. Jake just threw in a videotape, so hopefully this will buy me some time to do some things for myself.

bathroom remodel: day 38

And you thought I was done with these posts? After a brief hiatus, we’re back to work.

Brian has been working diligently on the vanity. It’s almost ready to be turned over to the finishing department (perhaps as early as this week).

This afternoon, we installed the furring strip grid for the ceiling. It went up pretty quickly–it only took a few hours to complete.

That is all for now.

the colorado kid

Stephen King has a new book out. So much for retirement. This book was published in paperback from Hard Case Crime. One of Brian’s coworkers had the book otherwise we probably wouldn’t have heard about it. It was a story about a man who died on a beach and how he finally was identified thanks to the work of two newspapermen. The story was told from the perspective of the newspapermen to a woman they were hiring to work at their paper. As usual, the characters were good (when doesn’t Stephen King have good characters?). I had a little trouble following the book at the beginning because I was reading it at the veterinarian’s and was having trouble concentrating (because I had other things to worry about). But, once I got into it, it was a pretty quick read. The ending kind of sucked, though. Brian, in particular, really didn’t like it. Still, it was definitely worth reading.