Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


This is a movie about how people suck. And, it brings the audience down with it.

The entire film took place on this stage (not unlike a play). The stage was devoid of most props. Houses were delineated with squares painted on the stage. At first this was kind of weird, but most of the scenes were shot close up, so you’d actually forget about it during these times. It was quite engrossing, actually.

The story, which takes place in the 1930s, is about a woman, Grace (played by Nicole Kidman, who did a great job in the starring role) who ends up in this town called Dogville. She is on the run from the mob. The town takes a vote and lets her stay. In order to get people to like her, she helps each person with something (chores, babysitting, etc.) each day. The people end up taking advantage of this, and the story spirals downward from there.

As much as I liked this movie, I hesitate to recommend it only because it was so weird. If you’re into experimental film, you’ll probably like it. If not, don’t bother.


This was a book written by Patricia Cornwell. It was one in her “Kay Scarpetta” series of books. Kay is a chief medical examiner (a “Quincy”, if you will). With all of the CSI nonsense going on these days, I can see why this is a popular series. The book was ok–nothing exciting. It probably would’ve taken me a lot longer to read than it did, but I got the new Stephen King novel, Cell, right after I started reading Trace. So, I blazed through it as fast as I could so I could start on the new King (which will happen tonight).

cat bastard

It’s kind of like a rat bastard, only worse. I made an appointment for Marley at The Dog House–the pet grooming business that we’ve been frequenting for the past 10 years. He has a bunch of matted hair on his back that I’m sick of looking at. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have worried about it.

Getting Marley in his crate was interesting enough. He proceeded to growl, hiss, and spit venom until we arrived at The Dog House. The woman there was like, “Is he always like this?” As far as I know, he is. Given this, she didn’t want to take a chance on getting bitten or having the cat injure himself while being groomed. She suggested having the vet slightly sedate him if we decide to try this again. She didn’t think he’d take well to having me stuff a tranquilizer down his throat, hence the vet suggestion. She said that she grooms about 100 cats a year and maybe a half dozen of them need to be sedated before being groomed, so it looks like we’re one of the “lucky” few cat owners out there.

happy birthday, brian

Today, Brian turned 35. What this means for me is that I don’t have to be the “older” woman for the next four months. As for him, he’s just getting old.

For his birthday dinner, Brian selected a toasted Italian sub. It was quite delicious. I guess that’s the curse of cooking all of the time–when you ask him what he wants to eat, he wants a sandwich. Oh well, less work for me.

We don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day anymore, so at least we didn’t have to deal with that. We both came to the conclusion that V-Day is more suited for people who are dating (plus, I think we were both running out of gift ideas), so we gave that one up a year or two ago. That, and Halloween. We both really like Halloween, but just how many pumpkins and skulls can you buy someone?

Anyway, we had our sandwiches for supper and then Brian opened his gifts. He’ll be off to a meeting in a little while, so I won’t be able to torture him with the dog show on TV this evening.

what breed are you?

I am a Golden Retriever:

“You’re the most laidback, loyal friend anyone could ask for. Easygoing and reliable, we’re as likely to find you outdoors with a Frisbee as spending a lazy Sunday on the couch. You’re brainy and sporty, and your expressive eyes convey your sensitivity to other people’s feelings. Just don’t let anyone take advantage of your kindness and you’ll be top dog.”

Can you believe that crap?

What breed are you?

One more day until the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show!