Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the injustice of it all

We got a new pet today. A cat. Hardly a fitting replacement for Ripley (not that you could replace her). The cat was Brian’s sister’s. Oh yeah, his name is Marley. He was not playing nice with her toddler, so they had to find it a new home. Unfortunately, they couldn’t find one, so they were going to take it to an animal shelter. So, we stepped in and adopted it. I’m not a big cat fan, as you might know. Actually, I do like all animals. However, as far as pets go, I prefer dogs. Cats are too standoffish. Or something.

Anyway, this cat is currently in our family room re-enacting the Exorcist (without the vomit). I went down there to check on him and he said something like “My name is Legion.”

He’s pretty cool looking, though. He’s a black cat with just a little white and he was born on All Hallow’s Eve Eve. October 30th to be exact. Not sure how the interaction is going to go between our dog and our other cat. I guess we’ll find out in a few weeks if he ever comes out of his carrier.

girl, interrupted

Brian and I watched this movie last night. It was a story about a woman (Winona Ryder) who goes to a mental hospital to “rest” after trying to commit suicide. It took place in the late 1960s and was based on a true story.

While there, the main character befriends a group of women in the hospital. The most interesting is the character Angelina Jolie played (she won an Oscar for her portrayal). Given how Jolie was during the “Billy Bob Thornton” years, I’m not sure how much she actually had to act in this film. Nonetheless, it was interesting to watch.

It was a pretty good film if you are into character-driven plots.

grilling in january

It was another nice day, so I broke out the grill and cooked some steaks for supper. Mmm. Nothing like grilled food in January. I don’t know if I’ve ever grilled in January before. Of course, we’ve never had a January like this before either.

In other food news, I completed the yearly update of my recipe file yesterday, printed it out, and put the pages in my recipe binder this afternoon. This year’s update was easier than previous year’s updates thanks to the latest version of MasterCook software that I had to buy for my new laptop. The latest version definitely has some improvements over the one I had. I still have some issues to work out, but all in all, I like it.

meet the fockers

We caught this one last night. Brian thought it was good, I didn’t like it all that much. The laughs just weren’t there like they were in Meet the Parents. Of course, when we went to see that movie, I had been cooped up in the house for about eight months with an infant–it was bound to be good. Anyway, the movie wasn’t horrible or anything, but I expect a lot from my comedies and this one didn’t deliver.

i am the wind

It would be funnier if it weren’t true…

You Are Wind

Strong and overpowering. A force to be reckoned with, no one dares cross you. You have the power to change everything around you.
You are best known for: your wrath
Your dominant state: commanding
What Type of Weather Are You?