Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


After Brian’s reaction to the last Stephen King novel, I don’t think he’s going to like this one. Not to give anything away, but the ending kind of sucks. Again. Up to that point, I really did enjoy the book even though I found it to be a bit derivative. And I have to say, the whole cell phone concept was rather implausible. I was hoping for some kind of explanation, but never got one. I don’t think it ranks up there with his classics, but it’s still a lot better than most of the other stuff out there these days. It only took a week to read and I didn’t even have time to read it each day, so it must’ve had some redeeming qualities.


I don’t know how I managed to get through the last 16 years without seeing this movie, but I finally rectified that last night. Brian had already seen this one a number of times, so he made sure I didn’t miss any of the good parts (you know, when I was off mixing drinks or whatever). Obviously, this was a good film. The only thing I didn’t like was the part where they explained the title, “You know, we always called each other goodfellas. Like, you’d say to somebody: “You’re gonna like this guy; he’s all right. He’s a goodfella. He’s one of us.” You understand? We were goodfellas, wiseguys.” Granted, a minor piece of dialog, but ever since we watched The Stand miniseries on tv so many years ago, where they did a similar such thing, we always make fun of movies that do this by yelling out “Stand!” And, you know what? Practically every movie does this. Just watch. Is it really necessary to explain the title to the viewer? If so, then maybe they ought to work on the plot a little harder.

Rant aside, I really did like this movie. And, it’s got me primed for The Sopranos, which starts back up in a few weeks.

mackay’s baptism

We spent much of this weekend on the road as we trekked to upstate New York in order to attend our nephew’s baptism.

We left here after lunch on Saturday and arrived around 6:30pm. After getting settled in at the hotel, we went over to Jenn (Brian’s sister) and Bill’s new house to check it out and visit for a bit. We had a nice evening. Brian’s parent’s, grandmother, and our niece were all there, too.

The baptism was today, of course. Brian played the part of Marlon Brando in that he was the Godfather. Afterwards, they had a nice dinner at a local pub. We headed home pretty early (relatively speaking) because Brian has to go to work tomorrow. He’s not permitted to take any time off yet since he is a new employee. We stopped at Ruby Tuesday’s in Altoona and had an enjoyable supper and then arrived home around 9pm. Now, I need to decompress a little before I head to bed. Jake and I are off tomorrow and we need to run to the Cozy Inn in the morning to pick up Lizzy.


This is a movie about how people suck. And, it brings the audience down with it.

The entire film took place on this stage (not unlike a play). The stage was devoid of most props. Houses were delineated with squares painted on the stage. At first this was kind of weird, but most of the scenes were shot close up, so you’d actually forget about it during these times. It was quite engrossing, actually.

The story, which takes place in the 1930s, is about a woman, Grace (played by Nicole Kidman, who did a great job in the starring role) who ends up in this town called Dogville. She is on the run from the mob. The town takes a vote and lets her stay. In order to get people to like her, she helps each person with something (chores, babysitting, etc.) each day. The people end up taking advantage of this, and the story spirals downward from there.

As much as I liked this movie, I hesitate to recommend it only because it was so weird. If you’re into experimental film, you’ll probably like it. If not, don’t bother.


This was a book written by Patricia Cornwell. It was one in her “Kay Scarpetta” series of books. Kay is a chief medical examiner (a “Quincy”, if you will). With all of the CSI nonsense going on these days, I can see why this is a popular series. The book was ok–nothing exciting. It probably would’ve taken me a lot longer to read than it did, but I got the new Stephen King novel, Cell, right after I started reading Trace. So, I blazed through it as fast as I could so I could start on the new King (which will happen tonight).