Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

i have a need for speed

Our internet connection seemed to be lagging a bit lately. So, I did some research into the current plans AtlanticBB has to offer and compared it to what we currently have. It was a real eye opener. We were grandfathered under a plan from the previous cable company, Charter, and had an internet connection so slow that it wasn’t even offered anymore. After discussing our options, we decided it would be worth the money to upgrade to their middle-tier internet offering. I made the call at lunch and they’ve already made their adjustments and now we’re blazing. I had to tweak some of the settings on our side to get things working properly, but it wasn’t difficult.

Here are some useful tools: This url allows you to test your upload and download speeds. I noticed a definite improvement after AtlanticBB made their changes, but we still weren’t getting the results we should’ve. I then went here and ran the test listed in step 3 (from Some of our numbers were off and this was causing our internet to run slower than it should. I used their recommendations and changed the settings with DrTCP, which I got here.

Tweak away…


Well, it might not be spring yet, but I started planting stuff for my garden today, so as far as I’m concerned, it’s close enough. I planted some broccoli and brussels sprouts. I’m anxious to see how things go this year because I went through a definite learning curve last year–my last batch of plants definitely fared better than my first due to changing some of my methods.

More gardening updates will surely follow.

sin city

We watched this movie last night–while drinking Margaritas, of course. We got a late start on it because I was IM’ing TurboTax support in an effort to find out why one of my totals isn’t being transferred to my 1040 correctly. No luck there. I’m going to try deleting and re-entering some more data today and see if that works. If not, I’ll have to call their support line because the online support staff has given up at this point. Terrific.

So, between going to bed late and the fact that Brian and I got up early to do yoga (yes, Brian’s jumped on the yoga bandwagon, too), I’m too friggin’ tired to write a movie review. Suffice it to say, this was a very cool movie. It was like a comic book come to life. I guess that shouldn’t be surprising, because the movie was based off of a comic book, but I mean, it really looked like a comic book come to life. The movie was shot in black and white, with occasional splashes of color. I’ve never seen anything like it before.

Anyway, if you want to read a good review, the Flick Filosopher has one.

puppy fever

Jake and I caught this ailment this evening when we went to see Grammy and Pappy Law’s new puppy, Maddie (Jake took this photo, by the way. I think we have a budding photographer on our hands). She is a 10-week-old Bernese Mountain Dog (aka a ball of fluff). What a cutie! I think Jake loved her more than I did–he has already made his reservations for his next stay at the Law’s, which is only 11 days away according to his calculations.

One thing I like about big dogs is watching them grow. I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to do this again as I seriously doubt we will have any more puppies here. I guess it could happen, but I’d much rather get a dog that is past the puppy/destructive phase. But, it certainly doesn’t hurt to live vicariously through others.

the human stain

We watched this movie last night. It was pretty good. Nicole Kidman and Anthony Hopkins starred in it, so it was bound to be decent. We’ve watched so many movies in the past few months, that it is sometimes hard to think of something to write about them (this, being one of those times). But, this is definitely one of the better movies we’ve seen.

Maybe I should turn this into a movie and book review blog. That’s all I seem to be doing lately. Hopefully, I will have more to do (and therefore write about) in the coming months.