Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

happy easter

This morning I was planning on getting up at 8am, but Jake had other ideas. He awoke at 7am, came into our bedroom and said that the Easter Bunny hadn’t left him anything. Of course, he went no further than his bedroom before he made this determination. Brian told him to check the dining room. Jake did and found his basket and a bunch of hidden eggs. He reported back to us that indeed, the Easter Bunny had visited after all. And, he surmised that the Easter Bunny was probably afraid to go in his bedroom because Lizzy was sleeping in there. Makes sense to me.

A little while later, he yelled for Brian to come and check something out. It turns out that darned Easter Bunny left some candy wrappers and a box that contained a toy motorcycle (that was in Jake’s Easter basket) in our garbage can. So, apparently he assembled the basket here, too. Lazy rabbit!

After all of this excitement, we went to church. We’re getting smarter in our old age and actually got there when there were still seats left. After church we came home, got changed, and gathered up some stuff to take to my parent’s where we spent the afternoon eating too much food. And what do you do when you’ve spent the afternoon eating too much? Well, apparently you go home and eat some more. At least that’s what I did.


I bought new grates for our Weber grill a few weeks ago. When I tried to put them on, they wouldn’t fit (by approximately 1/4 inch). For whatever reason, the cook box had warped and that was the cause of the problem (I guess the old grates still fit because they were falling apart). So, I pulled out my warranty and found that the cook box had a lifetime warranty.

Since I hate dealing with customer service reps on the phone, Brian was nice enough to call them and report the problem. He had to email them photos of the warpage and a few hours later they called to say they’d be shipping us a new cook box. It arrived within a few days and has been sitting in our family room since. That is, until today. Today, Brian took apart the grill and installed the new box. It wasn’t as easy as that, but things went pretty well once he got all of the rusty fasteners loosened. I was hoping to give the grill its annual spring cleaning today, but didn’t get around to it, but at least the inside is ready to go.

I hate when stuff like this happens, but at least everything went as smoothly as it possibly could and we’re back in grilling shape (just in time for the nice weather).

As an aside, I replaced my stainless steel grates with porcelain enameled cast iron ones and I can’t believe what a difference it has made. I guess it is because cast iron holds heat so well, but I have never seen such beautiful grill marks on my food. Yes, grill marks can be beautiful.

fear and loathing in las vegas

I probably shouldn’t even comment on this movie because I lost interest in it quickly and wasn’t paying much attention to it by the end, but here goes…In case you can’t tell, I didn’t really like this film. The acting was fine–you can’t go wrong with Johnny Depp or Benecio Del Toro (I like saying “Benecio Del Toro”, so I’ll say it again, “Benecio Del Toro”).

The movie was based off a book by Hunter S. Thompson. The book is supposed to be semi-autobiographical. Not that it really matters, I guess. There wasn’t really much of a plot. The two main characters were in a drug-induced haze for the entire length of the movie (two hours). Not much else happened. If that’s your idea of entertainment, you’re going to love this film.

on the run

Someone (ahem) left the shop door open this evening and later, Marley was nowhere to be found. I was in the middle of making tuna salad for tomorrow’s lunch (You have to do something with all of those Easter eggs. And to think that we haven’t even colored our eggs yet), so I sent Jake outside to scout the yard. He told all of the neighbors about his missing cat. The one neighbor was nice enough to walk around the neighborhood and look for Marley.

Anyway, Jake couldn’t find the cat anywhere, so he wanted to walk around the neighborhood as well. I went out with him, but I wanted to check out the yard first. We didn’t make it far before I found Marley. He was laying on the grill cover which was on our patio. I wasn’t about to pick him up, so I tried to tempt him with some tuna. He wasn’t interested. I sent Jake into the house to unlock the back door. As soon as he opened it, Marley got up and walked into the house. So much for that dilemma.

Like I told Brian the other week…we need to move Marley upstairs before someone leaves the door open and he gets loose. I guess I’ll have to put that on the agenda.

pro nun see ay shun

After sitting in the living room, pronouncing out loud each and every word on the list, I felt compelled to post this article. Good stuff. I sounded like the Italian I aspire to be. The French stuff, I don’t have much use for, but it’s good to know. The wine list was pretty useful, too. Now, if only I could remember how to pronounce all of these words, I’d be in good shape.