Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

pro nun see ay shun

After sitting in the living room, pronouncing out loud each and every word on the list, I felt compelled to post this article. Good stuff. I sounded like the Italian I aspire to be. The French stuff, I don’t have much use for, but it’s good to know. The wine list was pretty useful, too. Now, if only I could remember how to pronounce all of these words, I’d be in good shape.


Jake stayed at the Law’s last night. Coloring Easter eggs was on the agenda for him and his cousin, Erika. This enabled me to enjoy an evening of solitude because Brian had band practice in Windber and was not home either. For the most part, I didn’t do anything special–I rearranged some of the pantry, cleaned the kitchen, and other exciting things like that. I also was able to sit down and make a few birthday cards for the coming year. It seems I’m always behind with my card-making, so that was time well-spent.

Don’t get me wrong–I love my guys. But, I also enjoy spending some quality time alone. Since I rarely get that, I relish it when I do.

spring has sprung

Well, we turned the clocks ahead this weekend, so spring must finally be here. You know how you can tell? It’s April and it’s calling for snow tomorrow. We need to get our April snow shower out of the road early this year. Last year, it didn’t come until the end of the month and it screwed up my gardening schedule.

In other weather news, we had this brief hail storm yesterday. In my 35+ years, I’ve never seen hail that large before (we’re talking dime-sized). I went outside to grab one of the “hails” to show Jake and boy does that stuff hurt when it hits you. I was glad Brian took my car to work yesterday because he parks in a covered garage. You always hear about hail damage to vehicles on the news, but this was the first time I was concerned about it.

Getting back to the time change…I hate turning the clocks ahead–it messes up my sleep schedule. I’ve been tired all week and it’s only Tuesday. It really does a number on Jake’s sleep schedule, too. He’s not tired (there’s no reason to be tired when you don’t catch the school bus until 12:15pm). But he has been wide awake each night when he’s been put to bed (and therefore he spends the evening interrupting my regularly scheduled tv programming). The only good thing about springing forward is that it gets dark later. I don’t know why we can’t keep the clocks like that all year.

Final thoughts: gardening. My pre-gardening has been going really well this year. I cut back on my planting (I’m only planting veggies from seed this year–no herbs or flowers) and things have been going smoothly. I was a little concerned with my pepper plants because I planted them over two weeks ago and they hadn’t sprouted. The directions said they’d take 10-21 days, but I didn’t remember them taking that long last year. I saw the first sprout today, however, so hopefully more will follow in the coming days. And, very soon, it will be time to do the real gardening–plant stuff outside. I can hardly wait.

happy birthday, ivah

It was a birthday kind of weekend. Today, we went to Brian’s parent’s house to celebrate his mother’s birthday (which is tomorrow). Jake and I got to play with the puppy, which was cool. Maddie is about three times bigger than the last time I saw her. That’s the cool thing about big dogs–you can just sit around and watch them grow. As an added bonus, I got my birthday gift today (my birthday is in June). While we were eating dinner, I was telling Brian’s dad about all of the vegetables I’ve been planting. Brian’s mom abruptly ran upstairs, grabbed a box, put it on the table and said it was my birthday gift. Everyone broke into the “Happy Birthday” song. It was kind of weird. Anyway, the gift was cool–it was a miniature planting tool set complete with tote bag. This will be perfect for my indoor gardening (which is why I was given the gift today).

silly republicans

I might be a lot of things, but Republican isn’t one of them. So, I’m not quite sure how I got on the Republican National Committee’s mailing list. In the past week, I’ve received two surveys from them. These surveys seem to be a thinly veiled attempt at fundraising. They request a generous contribution so that you can join the RNC. Or, if you are unable to do that, they request $11 to cover the cost of tabulating the survey. So, I keep mailing their surveys back to them in the hopes that it costs them $11 to tabulate my surveys. More likely, they are throwing them in the trash because I didn’t send any money. But, one can always hope.

Chipping away at the Republican National Committee, $11 at a time…