Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the 4th

We didn’t do anything exciting for the holiday. Unlike the rest of America, Brian and I both worked yesterday. Jake wasn’t feeling well yesterday or today, so that put a cap on a few minor plans we did have.

So, we spent today like any other Saturday–working on the house. Tuesday has to be the worst day of the week to have off. I’ve taken a lot of days off in my time and I rarely pick a Tuesday for a single day off unless I am forced to. By the time Friday rolls around, it will have felt like I worked a full week. But, I digress. This afternoon, Brian did a project that has been on his “to do” list for a while–he fixed a plumbing leak in the basement. We’ve had a pipe that has been dripping (albeit very, very slowly) for a couple of years. I’ve been wanting to call a plumber. He hasn’t. So, he finally fixed it today and now I can stop complaining about it. As far as plumbing jobs go, this went better than most–we were only without water for about 90 minutes.

Brian also worked on the window flower boxes that he’s building for the shed. In other shed news, I planted some hostas around it and then mulched the whole area. It looks nice. And, I got to use up the extra mulch that’s been sitting around since April.

The weather hasn’t been good for much these past few weeks, but apparently it has been good for the garden. My garden has exploded in the past week or two. In fact, we ate from it for both lunch and supper today. We had some chicken salad for lunch (using lettuce from the garden) and a side of sugar snap peas with our kielbasa and hamburgers at supper.

Brian also spent a few hours on graphic design work and I made another batch of wine. It was a pretty productive day.

A bunch of other things went on, but that’s all of the major stuff. I’m not sure why, but going to that concert on Friday night totally threw my weekend off. I spent Saturday and Sunday getting caught up on things, so it was kind of nice to have today off to do some of the things I’ve been wanting to do.

nine inch nails

Last night, Brian and I, and another couple we’re friends with (Lish and Brent), went to see Nine Inch Nails at the Post Gazette Pavilion (aka Star Lake Amphitheatre). And, what a show it was! It definitely ranks up there as one of the best shows I’ve seen. The singing was excellent, the band was tight, the light show was unique (the band often played behind this see-through screen that was part of the light show. I’m having trouble describing it, but that’s because I’ve never seen anything like it before.), and the songs sounded even better live than on the cds (it’s surprising to me that they’d be able to pull that off). All in all, some quality entertainment. They played a lot of older stuff, and not so much newer stuff, but that was ok with me because I think the older stuff is better anyway. I haven’t listened to much NIN (besides the new album) in recent years, but I was pleased to find out I still remembered most of the lyrics (even if I couldn’t tell you the name of the song or the album it was from).

Jake really likes Nine Inch Nails and we were thinking about taking him to the show (one of his favorite songs is “Head Like a Hole”). But, then we were unsure what kind of imagery they’d be showing on the screens and thought better of it. As it turns out, they didn’t show anything (mostly the band was displayed, at other times, it was part of the light show), so it would’ve been a good show to take him to. That was the only disappointment of the night.

i am the dog walkerer

I really think there’s something to this Dog Whisperer stuff. His number one thing is exercise. I’ve been exercising the dogs ever since we brought Alice home and I can’t believe how well things are working out. Instead of Lizzy running around the house like she always does, she sleeps all day and doesn’t get excited until walk time. I’ve only watched his television show twice and already you can see a difference in Lizzy. If only he’d been around 10 years ago… I’ve read countless “how to train your dog” books and this is the first method that has worked at all for me. I’m reading his book right now and while I’m still in the autobiographical parts, I’ve picked up a few good tips already.

In an effort to cut back on my exercise, I’ve walked both dogs at once on a few occasions. I stick pretty close to the house when I do this because I’m still not confident in my abilities. Plus, the other route we take has a ton of dogs (and not to mention, rabbits) on it and Lizzy always gets excited. I’d hate to be a few blocks from the house and have some sort of incident. But, as time goes on, I think I’ll be able to do the secondary route on my own, too.

Already, my thoughts have turned to winter. I’m not looking forward to doing our daily walks then. Maybe we’ll have to move to a warmer climate to accommodate my dog-walking.

it’s like being unemployed

Not only did I take Friday off for Thunder in the Valley, but I also took today off to recover. We had plans to hit Thunder each of the days it was in operation (though we only got to 2 of the 4 days due to the rain) and we had 2 parties to go to on Saturday, so I figured that I’d need a day of relaxation before returning to work.

In retrospect, it wasn’t really necessary since we didn’t do anything yesterday, but how was I to know that was going to happen? I haven’t done much today, so I’m not sure where the day has gone. This morning I had to run Lizzy to the vet for a bordatella shot. Jake and I whipped up a batch of my mom’s spaghetti sauce early this afternoon (he’s becoming quite the little chef) and we took the dogs for a walk between rain showers. Oh, and I took a nap. I need to do some cleaning yet today and continue working on some cards. I’m trying a new manicotti recipe tonight–the second recipe in my manicotti wars.

So, I guess this is a perfect day off–one without an agenda. And though I don’t feel like I’ve done anything today, reading over this post, I guess I have. But, now I must go because it’s time to make the manicotti.