Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

how not to kill a bug

I meant to post about this a few months ago when it happened, but never got around to it. I thought about it the other day and decided that I should post it for posterity’s sake.

It must’ve been a weekend or a day off work because all three of us were home. Jake went upstairs to do something while Brian was working on his computer at the dining room table and I was sitting on the couch reading. Jake came downstairs and told us that he killed a bug. That was cool with us because that’s generally what we do when we see a bug in the house.

So, I’m sitting there doing my thing and Brian’s doing his when Brian said something to me. I looked his way and thought I saw a drop of water fall from the ceiling. So, I kept looking over that way and eventually saw another drop of water fall. I looked on the floor and a small puddle was forming. Alarmed, I told Brian about this and we ran upstairs to find out what was leaking. We were figuring it was the toilet upstairs because it had leaked before. It was not–everything in the bathroom seemed to be in order. Then we noticed a bunch of water on the floor in the corner outside the bathroom. Long story short, Jacob killed the bug by drowning it in a few cups of water. We didn’t give him too much grief (mostly because we were relieved that it wasn’t a plumbing disaster). But, Brian did give him some sage advice: don’t use fire to kill bugs, either.

bob & carol & ted & alice

Alice lives here. I don’t know Ted. Carol and Bob stopped over last night for a visit. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time we saw them, but I’m sure it had to be at least few years ago. Carol and I always keep in touch–via phone or email–but we never seem to manage to get together. We spent a nice evening catching up and reminiscing. Brian and I used to work with Carol at the place we met, so we’ve all known each other for a very long time.

Carol called to say they were running late, so I thought I’d take the dogs out for a quick walk before they got here. That turned out to be a mistake. It was raining a little bit when I left. By the time I got up the road a ways, it started to rain even more. So, I stood under a tree for a little while, hoping it would pass, and then it started to pour. Then I said to hell with it and ran home with the dogs. We were all drenched. Of course, I arrived home at the same time Carol and Bob pulled up. Not that it really mattered, I guess. But, it’s probably best not to look like the girl who crawled out of the well in The Ring when you are having guests over.

nightmares & dreamscapes

TNT is running a bunch of stories based off of Stephen King’s collection of short stories, Nightmares & Dreamscapes. The first one, “Battleground” is almost over. So far, I have to give it a thumb’s up. Two stories each will be running for four consecutive Wednesdays. If you didn’t tune in tonight, you can catch a replay tomorrow night on TNT. Here is the official website.

it’s a july miracle

It’s been so long since I’ve written about our bathroom project, that you probably thought it was done. But, it’s not. There just hasn’t been anything to talk about on my end until now. My bathroom vanity is finally complete! I spent 10 days finishing the drawers (2 coats of shellac, 9 coats of varnish) and Brian did the final assembly and added the hardware this evening. I don’t quite have everything put away yet, but it’ll be done soon enough. I was pleased to find out that there’s enough room for everything I need to store in the bathroom.

Now all that’s left is a new door, a little trim, and a new hamper. I’ve finally convinced Brian that there’s not enough time to build everything for the house, so we’re going to buy the door. He’ll kick out the trim some weekend this summer. As for the hamper, it’s still up in the air–if I can find one I like, I’ll buy it.

you have a young look to you

That’s what he said.

So, I made my monthly trip to the liquor store today to stock up on essentials. Luckily, the girl from last month wasn’t there so I didn’t have to justify my purchases. There was an older gentleman working this evening and I got carded. After seeing my ID he said “That’s what I thought, but you have a young look to you.” I thanked him and we proceeded with the purchase.

Of course, I was wearing a “Cookie Monster” t-shirt. In my quest to be carded once for each year I’m on the planet–for as long as possible–some concessions have to be made. (Hell, in a few years, I might have to dye my hair once a year just so I can keep the numbers going.) At least I can cross “36” off the list. I got that one out of the way early. Back to my point…when I was younger, I found that the way you are dressed when you go to the liquor store determines whether or not you get carded. When I was around 22, if I would go to the liquor store all dressed up in my work clothes, I would never get carded, but throw on some cut-off shorts and an old t-shirt and that would all but guarantee and ID check.

Stay tuned for more from the “liquor store chronicles” next month…