Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

american movie

We watched this a week ago. It was a documentary about an amateur filmmaker’s attempt to film his latest horror movie, Coven. The movie was somewhat interesting, but it was hard to laugh at the funny parts because it was a real person. That’s just being mean, I think. The movie would’ve been funnier to watch if it would’ve been a mockumentary (ala Waiting for Guffman or Best in Show), but it was not, so I have to give it a thumbs-down.

and the oscar goes to…

Brian and Jake spent the evening making a stop-motion film. You can view it here. It’s 8MB in size, so don’t bother if you have dial-up…


oh, what a feeling

I heard from the insurance company on Friday and they’re going to be sending me my money this week, so we felt it was safe to go out and buy a new car. I got a Toyota Highlander. Silver inside and out. It’s pretty nice. I was actually hoping for a different color (only because I’ve already had two silver cars followed by two white cars and I was in the mood for something different). But, like Mick Jagger says, you can’t always get what you want.

We went to my parent’s last night for a family reunion of sorts, so we both got to try the vehicle out. I have to say, it’s a pretty nice ride. I think I’m going to like it. Since I didn’t get leather seats, we bought one of those wire pet barrier things today so that the dogs can ride in the cargo area (and I do believe that action makes me an official card-carrying member of the crazy dog ladies club). At least the dog hair will be contained to one area and not be all over the seats. That’s all I ask for, really. Well, that and an mp3 player. The factory stereo that came with the vehicle is a piece of crap, so I’ll be ordering a new one this week. I sure am going to miss the 6 disk mp3 changer I had in my Scion, though.