Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

educated horses

We’ve been listening to the new Rob Zombie for a few weeks now. I have to say, it’s probably my favorite album from him in years. It has a lot of catchy songs on it. Of course, this means that I’ll probably tire of it quickly, but for now I’m really enjoying it. I’m not the only one–Jake loves a bunch of the songs on it as well. He will make requests for certain songs when we’re riding around in the car.

I was really hoping to catch his spring tour which was with Lacuna Coil, but it didn’t come anywhere near us. But, I see that he’s touring with Anthrax this summer. It’s not as good of a bill, but I’d still go. And, depending on the venue, this would probably be a good show for Jake to go to. I don’t know what this tour’s supposed to be like, but when we saw him on OzzFest a few year’s back, he was pretty entertaining.


Last night, we bottled two batches of wine. One was called Trio Blanca (which is comprised of Chenin Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc, and Pinot Blanc) and the other was a Petite Sirah Zinfandel. Both tasted pretty good last night, but they’ll be even better with a little aging on the racks. I’m actually sort of behind on my wine-making this year. These have been ready to bottle for a few weeks now. Plus, I have 3 more kits just waiting to be made. I guess it’ll get done eventually. I’m probably going to make a 6th batch of wine this summer because I like doing things two batches at a time (it saves me a little effort plus it’s always nice to put 50+ bottles of wine on the racks at once).

So, by drinking wine last night, I guess we were bucking the Cinco de Mayo trend. We’ll have to make up for it this evening by having Margaritas.

beautiful silence

The silence is beautiful no longer. The website featuring local bands (local to my basement, anyway) has finally been launched. Check out Beautiful Silence for all the details…