Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the aristocrats

We watched this movie last night while munching on black bean dip and sipping Margaritas. This was a documentary about a joke whose punchline is “The Aristocrats”. This joke has been used as an exercise by comics since the beginning of comedy. It’s premise is to tell this obscene story and be funny about it. As a joke, it’s not really all that funny. They talked to countless comedians who told their version of the joke. Most were just disgusting, though there were a couple of really funny ones in there. The joke was probably told close to 100 times during the course of the documentary (it seemed like it, anyway), so it was surprising that it kept our interest for the full 90 minutes of the film.

I haven’t watched stand up comedy for a while, so it was interesting to see how all of the comics have aged over the years. And it was fun trying to recall their names. So, if you’re into stand up, you might like this–unless you are easily offended, then you might as well forget about it.


It’ll bite you in the ass every time.

Today, we had to go to a hearing for the guy who caused the accident we were in last month. We were witnesses in said hearing. It was interesting on an intellectual level because I’ve never been to anything like that before. It was in front of a district magistrate, so it was pretty laid back. Fortunately, the magistrate wasn’t buying the guy’s story and his citation stands. Actually, the outcome of the hearing wasn’t going to affect my life one way or the other but my annoyance factor over this whole situation has been elevated lately, so I was hoping he’d get yelled at by the magistrate (I heard they do that sometimes), and I was not disappointed. The State Trooper who was in charge of the prosecution thinks that this guy might appeal the verdict and we’ll have to do this again in a month or two at the county courthouse. Terrific. Brian and I actually don’t believe he will appeal, but maybe that’s just wishful thinking. Stay tuned for more information next month.

In even better news, his insurance company called me last week to tell me that they were accepting responsibility for the accident. We’ve already received our “lost wages” check from them for the sick day we took after the accident. Now, I’m just waiting on our insurance company to refund my deductible and at least the insurance part of this situation will be done with.

more cherry?

But, we haven’t even used the last pile yet!

Brian got a line on some 6/4 cherry (that’s 1 1/2 inch thick for you non lumberjacks out there). Since thicker wood is necessary in furniture building, we opted to buy this because all of our other stuff is 4/4 (1 inch thick) and I have a long list of cherry furniture that Brian needs to make. Unfortunately, he has not had much time to work in his woodshop since he finished the bathroom vanity a while ago. Maybe next year…

I don’t know where we’re going to put all of this wood. I guess it will go in the shed with some of the other wood we’re storing. But the shed pile was supposed to be moved to the woodshop this year. So much for that happening anytime soon.

On the other hand, there’s going to be one hell of an auction here someday.

better than a tea party

Last night, my in-laws hosted a wine-tasting party. These wine-tasting parties are quickly becoming my favorite way to socialize. This party featured Shiraz. We got to try eight types of Shiraz (amazingly no one brought the same stuff). A bonus feature of focusing on one type of wine is that you can prepare food that goes with the wine. There is nothing better than drinking wine that goes well with your food. If you don’t agree–you’re not drinking the right stuff.

Anyway, we had a great time and I’m already looking forward to the next wine-tasting party. I think it might be our turn to have one.

a busy weekend

On Friday night, we invited Brian’s aunt and uncle over for dinner. So, this left me cooking all of Thursday evening and Friday afternoon again this week (not that I’m complaining–I’m just saying). Our dishwasher got quite a workout this weekend. Anyway, we had a nice visit–I always enjoy talking to the two of them.

For not having any plans, Saturday turned out to be pretty busy. I got up, started washing clothes, and then we ran out to Somerset to check out a farmer’s market they have at the Georgian Place. Brian’s boss’s in-laws have a stand there so we bought some of their stuff (lamb, chicken, and eggs). I’m looking forward to trying everything–especially the lamb. It’s all organic and whatnot, so it was a bit pricey, but I like supporting local farmers when I can. And, I prefer that my meat isn’t full of hormones and antibiotics. Yech.

After we got home, Brian took Jake to get a haircut and I ran to Toys R Us to buy a gift for one of Jake’s friends who was having a birthday party that afternoon. When we all got back home, we had lunch, I continued to wash clothes, and then Brian ran Jake to the party while I baked communion bread for a special service they were having today at our church. While Jake was at his party, Brian did some computer work, I took a nap, and then made up the grocery list. After we picked Jake up, we went grocery shopping, and then made supper.

In the evening, I helped Jake make cards for my dad’s, mom’s, and grandmother’s birthday party, which we went to today. I also put away all of the clothes I washed throughout the day, read a packet of information that Jake’s school sent, and did some general straightening up. It rained all evening, so I never got to work outside yesterday, but I did manage to walk the dogs between rain showers.

As I mentioned, we had a bunch of birthdays in my family recently. They were all celebrated at my parent’s house today where my mom cooked a delicious dinner. I went outside after we got home and finished cleaning all of the garlic that’s been curing in Brian’s shop for the past couple of weeks. I then came in and made us some sandwiches for supper, ordered some garlic to plant in the fall, started blogging, walked the dogs, and finished blogging. So, here I am, and it’s almost 9pm–time to watch HBO.