Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

angela and jacob’s day of fun

Brian is at the Penn State game with my dad today. Seeing that he’ll be gone most of the day, I figured I better plan some stuff for Jake and I to do. Our day started off with haircuts for the two of us in the morning. We came home and had lunch and did some chores around the house. After that, he helped me put some stuff away in the attic. I have a bad habit of piling things up in the library and there was quite a pile this time. While we were in the attic, we got out the Halloween decorations and then we decorated the house. He’s all fired up about Halloween, let me tell you.

By this point, it was time to make supper. Chicken soup was on the menu. I was hoping he’d help me cook, but the TV was more enticing. After the soup was on, I zoned out on the couch while he watched TV. After this, we ran an errand and I put the finishing touches on the soup. Right now, he’s outside playing with his neighbor buddy. And we have plans later this evening to watch a movie. The day has been quite pleasant thus far.

anchorman: the legend of ron burgundy

I wasn’t in the mood to think this evening, so this looked like the perfect movie to watch. About 30 minutes into it, I was ready to change the channel, but Brian was enjoying it too much (he was simultaneously saying how bad the movie was and laughing). Sure, it had some funny parts, but that doesn’t make it worth watching. So, I sat here, did some work on the computer, and watched the funny parts. Now, I’m cleansing my brain with some Monday Night Football before I go to bed.

stupor bowl

Brian and Jake went to the Steeler game today so I’ve been keeping myself busy doing all those things I never get to do (at my own pace, anyway). I got up early this morning because when Brian and Jake are up, everyone is up. I started off my day by baking two loaves of ciabatta (we’re going to be having some good sandwiches in the coming month). I always want to make ciabatta, but by the time I think about it, it’s always too late to start the sponge (which takes 2-24 hours). Luckily, I had the forethought to do this yesterday.

After doing my usual morning routine, it was time for lunch. I made a white bean and chicken salad that I really like, but the guys would never eat it, so today seemed like a good day for that recipe. After lunch, more housework. Next, it was time for the game. I watched it for a bit and it started off pretty good, but things went downhill fast, so I thought that would be a good time to grab a little nap. I slept for about 45 minutes and when I woke up, the Steelers weren’t any better off. I watched the game for a few more minutes, then had to run to Nanty Glo to let Brian’s parent’s dog out (they’re at the game, too). By the time I got home, there were only a few seconds left in the game and, of course, the Steelers had another turnover and lost the game.

This was one of the most bumbling games I’ve ever had the displeasure of watching. If I counted the stats correctly, there were 8 turnovers (5 interceptions and 3 fumbles) plus a couple more fumbles that were not turnovers. Messy. This was between the two teams, of course. Anyway, I have not lost hope yet. It looks to me like the Steelers offense hasn’t clicked yet and a lot of that has to do with Roethlisburger right now (he was definitely looking like a post-Bradshaw Steeler QB today). I still think they can turn the season around, but I’m not expecting another Super Bowl win this year.

toothless jake

Jake finally lost his first tooth. I say “finally” because every six months for the past year, he’s asked the dentist when he was going to lose a tooth. Each time the answer was, “probably within the next six months.”

His tooth was loose for nearly two weeks before the darned thing came out. If that were me, I would’ve had the bugger out on the second day. The tooth was literally hanging by a thread the night before it finally came out, but he wouldn’t pull it or let us pull it that night. The next day, he was pushing it back and forth and it finally came out.

The good news is that since he waited so long, his new tooth is already poking through.

Teeth are going a buck a piece these days. I wouldn’t want to be the tooth fairy. Damned inflation!

indian summer?

You all can thank me for the nice weather we’ve had the past few days. I had Brian put the cover on the air conditioner this weekend, so some nice weather was practically guaranteed. I did manage to take advantage of the weather by working in the garden a few times over the weekend–I’m on fall cleanup duty now. I really wanted to get out there tonight, but we had a cub scout meeting to attend at 7pm, so I didn’t have time. I have a lot of work to do before October (and brush cleanup week) hits, so hopefully we will have some decent weather in the interim.

We managed to get through the summer without a lot of activities, but they have all culminated into one busy September and October. I’m not sure how that happened.